British comedy series Dreaming Whilst Black premiered on BBC Three on 24 July 2023. Initially, it was planned to be a webcast/television pilot, however, it was soon converted into a full-blown comedy series. The first season consists of six episodes. The show narrates the story of a black British young man with big dreams.
Dreaming Whilst Black was filmed in the British town of Watford. It stars Adjani Salmon as Kwabena, Dani Moseley as Amy, Demmy Ladipo as Maurice, Rachel Adedeji as Funmi, Babirye Bukilwa as Vanessa, Martina Laird as Aunt Polly, Roger Griffiths as Uncle Claude, Jo Martin as Grace, Will Hislop as Lewis and several others.
Dreaming Whilst Black was filmed in Watford, England
Dreaming Whilst Black began filming in Watford in November 2022. Catherine Myers, a location manager, said:
"We are looking for various family homes to film inside for the principal characters. The houses can be detached or semi-detached but not too modern. We would prefer colourful décor and patterns."
While fans of soccer might recognize the name Watford as an English Premier League team, this town is much more than that. Watford is located in Hertfordshire, which is situated just beside River Colne.
The town was established as a market town that specialized in paper-making mills, printworks, and breweries. Over time, these industries declined, however, the headquarters of several companies still call Watford their home.
The town saw major developments from the 12th to the 17th century, however, the real growth happened when the Grand Junction Canal and the London and Birmingham Railway were established in the years 1798 and 1837. Some of the most important events that took place in this town are the 2006 World Golf Championship, the 2019 NATO Summit, and the 2013 Bilderberg Conference.
The town covers an area of 8.301 sq mi and is populated by 102,246 inhabitants as of 2021. Some of the most popular tourist destinations in this town are Cassiobury Park, Watford Colosseum, Oxhey Park, St Mary's Church, Parents Paradise, and several other places.
Dreaming Whilst Black synopsis and other details
According to its trailer on YouTube, the synopsis of Dreaming Whilst Black reads:
"Comedy-drama following Kwabena, a young Black-British aspiring filmmaker trying to balance his professional and romantic ambitions against the harsh realities of life, love and a family who’d prefer he had a stable job. Co-created and co-written by and starring Adjani Salmon."
In an interview with BBC, Co-creator, writer, and star of the series, Adjani Salmon, explained how he wanted it to be the best thing on the network.
He said:
"When we made the web series we wanted to be 'di bes ting pon di intanet'. With all the support we now have, we want to make 'di bes ting pon BBC TV', pun intended."
Tanya Qureshi, head of comedy at BBC added:
"We are sure it won’t come as a surprise that BBC Comedy wanted to take this wonderful project to series."
She also said that the movie's "success and recognition speaks for itself." Hinting at the UK release, she said that the series will be available for UK audiences "later next year."
Catch the upcoming British comedy on Paramount+ on September 8, 2023.