How I Became a Gangster recently premiered on Netflix. The crime-drama film, originally titled Jak zostalem gangsterem. Historia prawdziwa, follows the Polish underground crime scene through the lens of an ambitious gangster, who aspires to rise up the ranks and take the throne. The film is narrated from the perspective of the protagonist.
The film by Maciej Kawulski has some great cinematic narrative along with compelling performances from stars like Marcin Kowalczyk, Tomasz Wlosok, Natalia Szroeder, Natalia Siwiec, and Jan Frycz. How I Became a Gangster features some of the best locations of any film in recent memory, and they work brilliantly with the film's expertly shot and directed action scenes to create a truly memorable experience.
Here is everything you need to know about the filming locations in How I Became a Gangster.
How I Became a Gangster locations explored: A deep-dive into Warsaw, Poland
It can be hard to believe that most of How I Became a Gangster revolved around a single city. This is mainly because of how varied and interesting the locations looked on screen. The film could achieve this level of visual splendor using the city of Warsaw, Poland, and all its elements.
The preliminary shoot for the film began in 2019 in Warsaw. The shooting took place for about three months, according to reports. As the film was entirely shot in Warsaw, the creators made the most of it by using authentic streets and lanes as the backdrop for the story.
Some of the film was shot on location in Warsaw, Poland, but other scenes were shot in a studio, as is typical for action movies. Since Warsaw is Poland's most important and beautiful city as well as its economic and cultural center, it was a natural pick.
The film also featured numerous landmarks and tourist attractions from Warsaw in the shots, including Royal Castle, Sigismund’s Column, Powązki Cemetery, the Monument to the Ghetto Heroes, St. Kazimierz Church, and Wilanów Palace. The film artfully used all the scenic locations and pristine streets to carve out the narrative.
The film also allegedly created many locations to complement the film's setting, including an extravagant set-up of underground hideouts and locations. When contrasted with the population densities found in other regions of the country, Warsaw's level of inhabitants per square kilometer is significantly higher than average.
Another thing that works in its favor for filming is the fact that it is located in the east-central part of Poland on the banks of the Vistula River. This gives it an advantage over other potential filming locations.
More about How I Became a Gangster
Originally titled Jak zostalem gangsterem. Historia prawdziwa, the Polish language film by Maciej Kawulski follows Kowalczyk as he delves into the dark world of the Polish underground crime scene. The synopsis for the film reads:
"An ambitious gangster works his way up the ranks of Warsaw's criminal underworld and ultimately takes his shot at the big time."
The film stars Tomasz Włosok, Natalia Szroeder, Natalia Siwiec, Adam Woronowicz, Jan Frycz, Józef Pawłowski, Marek Dyjak, and Tomira Kowalik, among others. It was originally released on January 3, 2020.
Catch How I became a Gangster (Jak zostałem gangsterem. Historia prawdziwa) on Netflix now. Stay tuned for updates.