Love in the Wild, aired in 2011, was a unique show blending adventure with romance, captivating audiences with its daring format. Among its contestants was Kym Nguyen, a 24-year-old hairstylist from Quincy, MA, who joined the show seeking a personal challenge and a new perspective on relationships.
Facing her fears head-on, Kym navigated the demanding outdoor challenges set in the lush jungles of Costa Rica, including confronting her lifelong fear of drowning. Eliminated in the show's third episode, her journey on the show was marked by personal growth and memorable experiences.
Kym Nguyen's transition from Love in the Wild contestant to professional hairstylist
After her stint on Love in the Wild, Kym Nguyen continued her career as a hairstylist. Her professional life remained focused on her passion for hair styling, a craft she had honed over the years. While specific details about her career trajectory post-show are sparse, it is known that she maintained her profession in the beauty industry.
Kym's involvement in modeling, particularly in swimwear, was also a notable aspect of her career. This shift from a public figure on a Love in the Wild show to a private individual is not uncommon. Kym seems to have accepted her life away from the television cameras with a focus on her professional and personal growth.
Kym Nguyen's experience on Love in the Wild was a journey of self-discovery and challenge. The Southie-born Quincy resident joined the show when she reflected on her past relationships and openness to love.
"I honestly have had some not-so-successful relationships..I wanted to find out more about myself to see if I was bitter at the thought of falling in love with someone. It was just something very out of the ordinary to do. I put myself in the most vulnerable situation I could to test myself."
Despite her self-proclaimed status as a natural beauty and a professional hairstylist, Kym faced a significant personal fear on the show: her lifelong fear of drowning. This fear was immediately tested as she navigated a river filled with crocodiles. However, her experience wasn't solely defined by fear. She remarked,
"Costa Rica was beautiful, breathtaking…It’s interesting, because I’m not outdoorsy whatsoever. I knew coming into the situation that there would be outdoorsy things, but the whole point is to challenge a man and a woman as a couple to see if it sparks any interest. That part of it was cool."
The show's format, which combined physical challenges with the pursuit of romantic connections, provided a unique platform for Kym to test her limits and explore new aspects of her personality. As for her takeaway from the show, Kym commented,
"The whole point of the show is to create some kind of spark or to nurture interest you have in someone. The producers put you in this completely romantic, amazing setting, so there’s no way people aren’t going to start having feelings for others."
Final thoughts
Kym Nguyen's journey from a Love in the Wild contestant to her current life reflects a transition from a public persona to a professional focused on her career in hairstyling. Her experience on the show demonstrated her willingness to accept new challenges and explore different facets of her personality.
Viewers can look back on Kym’s journey as Love in the Wild season 1 is now available for streaming on Netflix.