HBO is set to premiere a three-part docuseries titled Unveiled: Surviving La Luz del Mundo, uncovering the misdeeds of the notorious Naasón Joaquín Garcia, the leader of the Mexico-based La Luz del Mundo megachurch. He pleaded guilty to multiple se*xual account charges and was sentenced earlier this year.
The series premieres on Tuesday, December 6, 2022.
According to sources, García, who initially faced the possibility of life imprisonment if found guilty, was sentenced to nearly 17 years as part of the plea deal. In June 2022, the cleric pleaded guilty to s*xually assaulting three minor members of his congregation. He is currently serving time in a state prison in Kern County, California.
This article will further delve into the crimes of Naasón Joaquín Garcia committed in the name of religion and the dark secrets of La Luz del Mundo.
Naasón Joaquín Garcia pleaded guilty to three counts of s*xual assault
Naasón Joaquín Garcia, the head of the Light of the World Church, pleaded guilty to three charges of s*xually abusing minors and was sentenced to 16 years and eight months in prison. He was sent to a state prison in Kern County, California, situated slightly over 150 miles north of Los Angeles, near Delano. His victims still believe that he has managed to avoid accountability for his offenses.
Garcia, known to followers of the La Luz del Mundo church as "The Apostle of Jesus Christ," was first charged with 23 s*x offenses against children, including r*pe and conspiracy to engage in human trafficking. Three days before his Los Angeles trial began, Garcia unexpectedly agreed to a guilty plea with the California Attorney General's office.
According to the prosecution, Naasón Joaquín Garcia used his spiritual influence to have s*x with girls and young women who were told that doing so would contribute to their redemption and, if they resisted, it would result in their doom. The victims protested the plea deal, claiming they were unaware of it until the very last minute. They requested a harsher penalty, which was refused because of the agreement.
Naasón Joaquín Garcia's victims were only informed about the plea deal at the last minute
The five young women Garcia assaulted spoke out against the last-minute agreement before his sentencing at the Los Angeles Superior Court. They claimed they were not informed about it and were shocked that he wouldn't be tried for the alleged crimes in open court. The victims stated that he abused them and enslaved them for years using his position of spiritual power.
Rob Bonta, the United States Attorney General, reportedly said,
"[Naasón Joaquín García] used his power to take advantage of children. He relied on those around him to groom congregants for the purposes of sexual assault. Today’s conviction can never undo the harm, but it will help protect future generations."
The women claimed that at first, they were pleased to be invited into Garcia's inner circle but that shortly after, they were put through a "nightmare" of r*pe and abuse, which they were assured would lead to their salvation.
The prosecution claimed that Naasón Joaquín Garcia effectively manipulated the victims into believing that they would be shunned by the exclusive religious society if they didn't comply with his demands. The judge denied a defense petition to dismiss the case and stated that Garcia used religion as "invisible handcuffs" to take advantage of his victims.
Unveiled: Surviving La Luz del Mundo premieres on HBO this Tuesday, December 6, 2022.