The upcoming romantic film Love in the Great Smoky Mountains will be released on Hallmark on Saturday, September 2, 2023. Directed by Danny J. Boyle and written by Bruce D. Johnson, the film will narrate the story of two former lovers, who are also archaeologists, as they try to find their way back to each other while working together on the same mission.
According to Hallmark's official website, the official synopsis of the upcoming film reads:
"Former sweethearts reunite at an archeological dig in Great Smoky Mountains National Park. As they work together competing for the same research grant, will their love be rediscovered?"
Love in the Great Smoky Mountains was primarily filmed in Tennessee, USA. Also called Love in the Great Smoky Mountains: A National Park Romance, the film stars Arielle Kebbel as Haley, Holly Bonney as Audrey, Zach Roerig as Rob, Danielle Vega as Sky Edwards, Kai Braden as Troy Winters, and several others.
Love in the Great Smoky Mountains on Hallmark was primarily filmed in Tennessee
1) Great Smoky Mountains National Park, North Carolina and Tennessee
Great Smoky Mountains National Park was the main shooting location for Love in the Great Smoky Mountains. The national park is spread over North Carolina and Tennessee and is the most visited national park in the United States. In 2021 alone, it received 14.1 million visitors.
One of the most iconic natural wonders in this park is the Abrams Falls, which is located in an isolated valley called Cades Cove. Moreover, the film will feature this waterfall and several locations around it. The park covers an area of 522,419 acres and is known for its beautiful mountains, waterfalls, biodiversity, and forests. It became a UNESCO World Heritage Site in 1983 and an International Biosphere Reserve in 1988.
Annually, the park contributes about $2.5 billion to the local economy.
2) Fall Creek Falls State Park, Tennessee
Fall Creek Falls State Park covers an area of 30,638 acres and is located at Cane Creek Gorge, Tennessee. The park is named after the 256-foot Fall Creek Falls and is the highest free-fall waterfall situated on the east of the Mississippi River.
Fall Creek Falls State Park is best known for its enchanting geological formations and stunning waterfalls. Some places worth checking out in this part apart from Fall Creek Falls are Cane Creek Falls, Cane Creek Cascades, Rockhouse Falls, Piney Creek Falls, Coon Creek Falls, and Lost Creek Falls.
Some scenes of this Hallmark film were even shot in the city of Knoxville, Tennessee. It is the third largest city in the East Tennessee Grand Division after Nashville and Memphis. In the year 2022, Knoxville had a population of 879,773. The first signs of settlement in this city took place in the year 1786 when Knoxville was the official capital of the state.
Love in the Great Smoky Mountains will be released on Hallmark on Saturday, September 2, 2023