Dateline is a popular American true crime television show, with the two-hour feature-length series amassing quite a sizable following over time. The series mostly focuses on true-life murder and missing person incidents. In fact, various themes from this series have earned it Emmy Awards in the documentary and news categories.
NBC's Prime Time News Program is a well-known news program, with the iconic show entertaining and keeping people informed since 1992. However, it was considered a filler episode back then to bridge the gap between shows. It was later revived in 2004, and this season is hosted by Lester Holt.
Discussing the upcoming episode of Dateline Weekend Mystery: Deadly Exchange going live this Saturday, this article will take a look into the Montana homeowner Markus Kaarma's whereabouts and what really happened.
NBC's Dateline: Deadly Exchange case explored
In April 2014, Kaarma was convicted of the murder of Diren Dede, a 17-year-old German exchange student. He claimed that he shot Dede in self-defense while the student was trespassing in his garage looking for drugs and alcohol.
Janelle Pflager, Kaarma's wife, informed Missoula police that their home had been broken into twice in the last two weeks. In response, Pflager and Kaarma outfitted their garage with motion sensors and a live-streaming video baby monitor.
Pflager and Kaarma heard a sensor alarm just after midnight, indicating that someone was in their garage. Authorities claimed that Pflager pulled up footage from the CCTV monitor and saw a man in the garage.
Kaarma took his shotgun, exited the front door, and proceeded to the driveway in front of the garage, where his pickup truck was parked and the garage door was open. Pflager trailed close behind him as Kaarma shot at the intruder.
Where is Markus Kaarma now?
Although Kaarma claims that he committed the act out of self defense, prosecutors alleged that he boasted about wanting to "shoot some kids" and left his garage door open, luring a thief. Dede was unarmed, and three witnesses at the trial stated that Kaarma had mentioned shooting someone.
The jury in Missoula allegedly agreed and convicted Kaarma of deliberate homicide. Sentencing was scheduled for February 11, 2015, and he's facing a jail time of 70 years. He is currently behind bars, serving his sentence at the Missoula County jail. It is also said that Markus Kaarma won't be eligible for parole for at least 20 years.
Dateline Weekend Mystery: Deadly Exchange will premiere on 7 May, 2022, 8/7c on NBC.