The crime drama-thriller series Mayor of Kingstown features siblings Mitch and Mike McLusky, played by Bloodline's Kyle Chandler and Hawkeye's Jeremy Renner, respectively. The McLusky family operates as influential figures in Kingstown, Michigan, an area where incarceration is the sole flourishing industry.
The series explores their attempts to reestablish justice and order in a community plagued by systemic racism, corruption, and inequality. Scenes from Mayor of Kingstown were across numerous real-life locations.
The official description of the series, as per Prime Video, reads:
"Mayor of Kingstown follows the McLusky family — power brokers in Kingstown, Michigan where the business of incarceration is the only thriving industry. The brothers attempt to bring order and justice to a town that has neither."
Available to stream on Paramount+, Amazon Prime Video, and Apple TV+, the series was created by Hugh Dillon and Taylor Sheridan.
Mayor of Kingstown shoot locations: Where was the show filmed?
1) Kingston, Ontario, Canada
According to Decider, the fictionalized version of Kingstown, Michigan from the show, is based on the city of Kingston, Ontario, Canada. Hugh Dillon grew up in a city that shares some similarities with Kingstown in the series.
The McLusky brothers’ office is located at 290 Queenston Road in Glenview East, Hamilton and Mike and Mitch meet on Hamilton Beach in Mayor of Kingstown episode 1.
2) Kingston Pen in Canada
The series' depictions of the interior and exterior of the imposing prison were originally captured on location at Kingston Pen, an abandoned penitentiary in Canada. Kingston Penitentiary, which has also appeared in Star Trek: Discovery and DC's Titans, is among the most significant Mayor of Kingstown filming locations and one of the city's earliest institutions.
Notably, real-life Grace Marks served her life sentence in Alias Grace at Kingston Penitentiary, which was also utilized as a filming location for the series. This 1835-established maximum-security facility ceased operations in 2013.
Presently, a tour of the Victorian-era complex is available, pending the finalization of future development plans.
3) Red Carriage Diner, Toronto
Lakeview Restaurant, located on Dundas Street in Toronto, was transformed into the Red Carriage Diner in the film Mayor of Kingstown. It is at this diner that Jeremy Renner's character is seen interacting with the various jail guards.
Additionally, the yard of drug king Bunny from the show was shot in Etobicoke, which is within proximity.
4) R.C. Harris Water Treatment Plant, Scarborough
The prison where Miriam McLusky, Mike and Mitch's mother, portrayed by Dianne Wiest, teaches in a classroom of a huge female prison.
The building's exterior is the Art Deco R. C. Harris Water Treatment Plant in Toronto's old city of Scarborough. In the Mouth of Madness and Half Baked are two of the many films that have featured the Art Deco structure.
5) Pittsburgh
Season 2's setting was Pittsburgh, just as the first season was based on Dillon’s hometown. In contrast to the prison uprising that concluded the first season, Season Two commenced in its aftermath.
A filming location for Carrie Furnace transformed into a prisoner camp situated in an outdoor tent, which Pittsburgh locals would recognize more.
Several scenes for the series were also filmed at SCI Greensburg and SCI Pittsburgh.
He told Trib Live:
“We wanted to scale up for season two. Pittsburgh had all of these decommissioned prisons. And when I scouted it (again for season two), I just fell in love with it. That place is it. We got 10 seasons mapped out. So yeah, we’re not leaving. ‘Kingstown’ will never leave Pittsburgh.”
On January 11, 2024, Paramount+ announced in a press release that production had officially kicked off on season 3 of Mayor of Kingstown, and the show is currently filming in Pittsburgh.
While season 3 is in production, seasons 1 and 2 of Mayor of Kingstown are available to watch on Paramount+, Prime Video, and Apple TV+.