The Girl from Plainville, Hulu's upcoming true-crime series, follows the texting-suicide scandal of Michelle Carter and Conrad Roy, which became one of the most controversial cases of manslaughter in recent history. Starring Ella Fanning in the lead role of Carter, the convict in the case who urged Roy to take his own life, the series is all set to premiere on March 29, 2022.
The two teenagers, Carter and Roy, had known each other for about two years before Roy committed suicide and Carter was convicted of manslaughter. Investigations unearthed texts between the young couple that showed how Carter had been urging Roy to take his own life ever since he admitted to having suicidal thoughts.
Michelle Carter and Contrad Roy III: Friendship explored
Michelle Carter and Conrad Roy III were supposedly entangled in an unusual relationship that existed primarily through text messages, phone calls and social media. The duo met in 2012, while they were both visiting relatives in Naples, Florida. Though both of them lived in Massachusetts, in two towns that were about an hour apart, Carter and Roy only met up about five times in person during the two years they were in a relationship.
Their passionate and intense relationship mainly existed in a virtual world where they exchanged thousands of texts, in which they explored their deepest darkest thoughts, including Roy's suicidal tendencies and Carter's eating disorder.
Though initially Carter would encourage Conrad to get help for his mental illness and urge him to not commit suicide, later texts between the duo showed how she encouraged Roy to take his life and even chastisised him for not being able to go through with his plan.
Ultimately, Conrad Roy took his own life by poisoning himself with carbon monoxide inside hs truck and Carter was convicted of being responsible for his death because she had encouraged him to do so.
What is The Girl from Plainville all about?
The Girl From Plainville, Hulu's upcoming crime miniseries, explores this strange and controversial texting-suicide case that led to the death of Conrad Roy. Michelle Carter, Roy's girlfriend, was convicted of murder in Roy's suicide.
The Girl From Plainville, based on an article by an Esquire journalist, explores Carter’s relationship with Conrad Roy III and examines the events that led to his death, and later, Carter's conviction.Created by Liz Hannah and Patrick Macmanus, and starring Elle Fanning as Michelle Carter, The Girl From Plainville will premiere on Tuesday, March 29, 2022, on Hulu.