Aired in 2011 on NBC, Love in the Wild season 1 is resurfacing 12 years later on Netflix. The show throws 20 single men and women into the wilderness to compete in demanding challenges while simultaneously trying to find their true love.
Fans of the original show have started growing more curious about some of the current relationship statuses of their favorites. One couple, in particular, has gained a lot of attention owing to their captivating journey on the series over a decade ago.
Disclaimer: This article contains spoilers from Love in the Wild season 1.
Samantha and Mike, the winners of the first season, made their mark right off the bat. Their love story was heartwarming, with occasional disagreements, but by the end of the show, they'd claimed they found what they were looking for.
There's fantastic news for fans because they stuck it out together, got married in 2014, and have two children, Audrey and Zachary.
Love in the Wild: Samantha and Mike have built a family
Love in the Wild is now available to stream on the global giant Netflix. Singles, in pursuit of meaningful connections, set off on the adventure of their lives amidst the dense woods of Costa Rica, where they were challenged with a range of tasks that tested their bonds in all ways imaginable.
Samantha Woods and Michael Spiro, aka Mike, had fans invested in their romantic rendezvous from the get-go. They picked each other on day one, and the first challenge also marked the start of their relationship, which has spanned over a decade. Fans will now be able to relive the old days and watch them endlessly on repeat.
For the curious fans wanting to know whether they're still together, yes, they are. Shortly after the show aired, they got engaged in 2013. In 2014, they tied the knot. Now, they're proud parents of two children, Zachary and Audrey. They jet-set on family holidays and, in the opinion of fans, are #couplegoals, considering not many relationships that come from dating shows last very long.
From their Instagram profiles, the Love in the Wild couple seem to be very happily married, celebrating festivals, taking their children on adventures, and more. Samantha can be followed on @samantha_spiro and Mike on @mikespiro.
During their time on Love in the Wild, their partnership was put through several tests, yet every time, they chose to continue exploring each other more. As they were competing in one challenge where they had to row, they couldn't seem to get synchronized. This led to their first real dispute on television and was also the only one because they prioritized their relationship over small issues.
They went on to win the show, each other's trust, and the audience's hearts.
Their heartwarming romance will continue to bloom as time goes on, and Love in the Wild fans will be able to get front-row seats by following them on social media platforms where they're both active.
Stay tuned as Samantha and Michael Spiro continue to dress up their little ones and remain the most important people in each other's lives. Old fans can prepare for a rewatch, and new fans can get a taste of reality TV from 12 years ago, all on Netflix.