The brutal 2010 murder case of Paula Sladewski, a 26-year-old aspiring model, still remains unsolved after over a decade. NBC's true crime show Dateline: Unforgettable explored and examined the shocking disappearance and murder case that took place in Miami, Florida, in an episode, titled Death of a Golden Girl. The episode aired on November 15, 2022. As per the synopsis for the episode:
"An aspiring Playboy model is murdered in Miami, FL. A seven second clip of her last moments alive are caught on security video and could hold key clues. The haunting images make this case one of Dennis Murphy's most memorable."
The show also covered several significant interviews given by a number of individuals associated with the case. One of those individuals was Paula Sladewski's then-boyfriend, Kevin Klym.
He was the very first suspect in the murder case, however, due to lack of evidence and proper alibi, he was removed from the suspect list by authorities.
Paula Sladewski’s boyfriend Kevin Klym was the first person to register a missing persons report for Paula
How was Kevin Klym's relationship with Paula Sladewski?

As reported by TheCinemaholic, Kevin Klym is a man from Westland, Michigan, who met Paula Sladewski when she had already established her name in the world of modelling.
The two soon hit it off and entered into a romantic relationship. In 2008, during the Housing Market Crash, the couple shifted to Los Angeles as the model had enough money saved.
According to Paula's parents, the couple had a volatile relationship from the very beginning. As per TheCinemaholic, the victim's father Richard Watkins exclaimed:
"They fought from the beginning – physical, knock-down fights."
More evidence showed that the couple indeed had a violent relationship. As stated by the news outlet, TheCinemaholic, Paula was arrested back in 2009 for hitting Kevin with a glass bottle in the head.
The same year, Kevin was also arrested for breaking Paula's nose, as claimed by Richard Watkins. Thus, the reports go to display that the relationship between Kevin and Paula was not healthy.
What happened to Kevin and where is he now?

The bone-chilling murder of Sladewski took place on January 3, 2010. Reportedly, that day, Kevin returned to their hotel alone after partying all night as Paula wanted to stay at the club named Club Space a bit longer.
When she failed to appear at the hotel in the afternoon, Kevin lodged a missing person report to the Miami Beach police.
Later, Paula's burnt dead body was discovered by authorities in a blazing trash bin which was situated more or less 12 miles away from Club Space. Kevin became the very first suspect of the police due to the volatile nature of their relationship.
However, when they found all of Kevin's statements regarding his activities during the time of Paula's disappearance to be true, they removed him from the suspect list.
As reported by TheCinemaholic, the prime investigator in the case said:
"We explored several avenues of how he could have been involved. Nothing panned out on it. In the investigation, we found that everything he told us was accurate."
As stated by TheCinemaholic, Kevin is currently in his 40s and he lives a normal life in Royal Oak, Michigan.