Apple TV+ and Sony Pictures Releasing dropped the first trailer for Ridley Scott’s Napoleon on July 10, 2023. Both the Gladiator actor and director have reunited to make another historical drama and is due for a premiere in the UK on November 22, 2023. The film has been shot extensively throughout England and the Republic of Malta.
The movie is based on the rise of the 16th-century French leader, Napoleon Bonaparte, and his relationship with Empress Josephine played by Vanessa Kirby. The summary by IMDb for Napoleon reads,
"The film takes a personal look at Napoleon Bonaparte's origins, and his swift, ruthless climb to emperor viewed through the prism of his addictive, and often volatile, relationship with his wife and one true love, Josephine."
Working on the Gladiator 2 project simultaneously, David Scarpa has written the script for the upcoming Ridley Scott movie.
Napoleon - Filming Locations Explored
The upcoming movie based on the French French military commander and political leader has been shot in multiple locations across Buckinghamshire, England.
The new trailer showcases the magnificent sets and exquisite backdrops for the scenes shot to recreate the look and feel of the 17th century. The project is said to have cost a total of $130 million (£100 million) to produce which is evident from the trailer itself.
According to reports, there will be six battle sequences instead of one. The production of the film began in February 2022, and it is currently in the post-production stage.
Lincoln Cathedral
The team made use of the Lincoln Cathedral in Lincoln and took a week's time to prepare the premise to look like the Notre Dame de Paris. According to The Lincolnite, the crew filmed on March 17 and March 18, between 7 am and 7 pm.
West Wycombe Park
The cast and crew of the period film were spotted using the historical estate, West Wycombe Park in Buckinghamshire. Motorists reportedly spotted people in period clothes riding horse-drawn carriages around the town.
Stowe Avenue and House
The filming eventually moved to Stowe Avenue and House where SDTA Productions has reportedly requested permission for a road to be closed on Stowe Avenue from April 4 to 7, according to The Bucks Herald.
Blenheim Palace
The Blenheim Palace in Woodstock, Oxfordshire served as one of the locations for the team according to Buckinghamshire Live. The Palace is one of the pivotal locations in Napoleon. Blenheim has served as a location for films such as Pride & Prejudice (2005), The King (2019), and Atonement (2007).
Boughton House
The Northamptonshire Telegraph reported that the movie's cast and crew would be arriving at Kettering's stately home, Boughton House. The premise has been previously used for filming Les Miserables in 2012. The Boughton House grounds include seven courtyards, a lily pond, a rose garden, and a church.
Fort Ricasoli, Republic of Malta
As reported by The Hollywood Reporter, the island nation serves as a low-cost shooting location for Hollywood films ever since the debut of the Malta Film Week and Awards. Director Scott used Malta’s 17th-century Fort Ricasoli to recreate Napoleon's first victory in the 1793 siege of Toulon.
The producers' list includes the director himself, along with Kevin J. Walsh, Mark Huffam, and Joaquin Phoenix.