This Friday, on April 21, Netflix's Indian Matchmaking, which explores the world of arranged marriages in Indian culture, returns for its third season wherein expert Sima Taparia, a professional matchmaker, strives to find a good match for each of her clients.
But here is the twist: just like most dating shows, some of the contestants in Indian Matchmaking are going to get engaged, while others will break up. In the end, it will be a question of whether they made it to the altar.
One of Sima Taparia's clients is Shital Patel from Edison, New Jersey, who, despite growing up in the US, Shital credits her South-Asian heritage for her headstrong, ambitious, and confident nature. Aside from that, Shital never settles for anything less than what she brings to the table as well.
Among other things, Shital Patel's criteria for a husband include being family-oriented, funny, intelligent, athletic, adventurous, a travel enthusiast, full of hair, and tattooed. Her journey in Indian Matchmaking led her to meet a number of suitable partners in season 2, including Viral Kothari and Avinash Shingwani, but she did not feel the connection.
Her sister later introduced her to Miami-based radiation oncologist and choreographer Niraj Mehta after some heartbreak and disappointment in Indian Matchmaking. Although Niraj lives in Florida and Shital lives in New York, the couple are still together as of now. Speaking about her current relationship, the latter stated to Cosmopolitan:
“I am in a fulfilling, soul-connected relationship. I have met my best friend and the love of my life. Life has been a whirlwind since the show aired but we are continuing to build our bond and friendship and look forward to our future together.”
Has Indian Matchmaking star Shital Patel found her perfect match?
According to Shital Patel, Niraj Mehta has a big heart, is passionate, is kind, and compliments her. As well as being very open about his feelings, he is also very honest about his choices.
In sharing with Sima about how she found someone, Shital Patel mentioned him being an amazing Gujarati radiation oncologist, and how he “has such a big heart,” as well as how his "true passion" was teaching cancer patients “how to heal through dance.”
With regard to the partners Shital was first connected to in Indian Matchmaking, they failed to work out due to a lack of physical attraction. After this, Sima Taparia advised her to only have the expected 60-70% of her standards.
However, Shital stated on the show that, “That’s not compromise; to me… that’s settling,” she added, “I think it needs to be closer to 80% or 90%.” ...closer to 80% or 90%.” However, what she has with Niraj, she feels that he is “the one.” During season 2 of Indian Matchmaking, she shared the following with him:
“I feel at home with my parents and my sisters, but I’ve never had that feeling of home with a significant other. And then when I met you, I feel at home, and I feel safe. Like, home is with you.”
Though Shital Patel met him outside the "Sima Aunty process," she credits the matchmaker with helping her "build momentum" and be more open and flexible. In a personal confession to the camera, the contestant said:
“I love him. I love him with my whole heart. I love him. I feel so incredibly lucky that I found him because it’s just the love that, like, I will never find this kind of love ever again. I’m just really happy.”
Through social media, the duo have shared several cute pictures with each other on and off. According to their posts, they attend festivals together, go on dates, and try new things from cooking to dancing together. Streamers can catch the latest season of Indian Matchmaking on Netflix on Friday, April 21, at 3:01 am ET.