Love in the Wild was first aired in 2011 on the popular network NBC. In the twelve years since, the contestants have had major life developments, becoming a point of curiosity for the fans since season 1 is now streaming on the biggest OTT platform, Netflix.
A whole new generation of audiences that are now viewing the show are getting a glimpse into the workings of the reality TV genre from over a decade ago. One contestant who's piqued the interest of viewers is Steele Dewald, owing to his charm and good gameplay.
Steele Dewald, the professional golfer, was 25 years old when he was selected to appear on the show. He switched several partners in his pursuit of a soulmate, but unfortunately, he didn't end up with any of his picks from the show. Steele is now happily married and has two kids with his wife. He's still competitively playing golf but has also charted a successful career for himself in real estate.
Love in the Wild: Steele Dewald now works in real estate
Love in the Wild season 1 took place in the lush forests of Costa Rica, where twenty hopeful singles were challenged to find true love while also fighting for their survival in the competition. They were faced with physically and emotionally complex tasks that tested their bonds with their partners.
Since the 2011 NBC series is streaming on Netflix, fans are eager to know where the contestants are now and whether they actually ended up with anybody they paired up on the show with. Steele Dewald has been of particular interest to them, considering he has a private Instagram account, which limits how much can be learned about him.
Steele Dewald, then 25, didn't date any of his co-stars after Love in the Wild, including his last partner, Erica Scherle. He did, however, marry Madison DeWald after meeting her outside of the competition and finding the love of his life. He is now the proud father of two children.
Steele Dewald was eliminated from the competition close to the finish line.
According to his LinkedIn profile, Steele is currently a real estate agent in Park City, Utah. He has been working at the agency since January 2020.
After the filming of the show, he returned to golf and took off on a PGA Canadian tour from 2012–2014. He remained passionate about the sport and still continues to compete. In 2014 he started working as a General Manager at the Cake Nightclub, which he left in 2015.
Even prior to his appearance on the show, he was involved in professional skiing and golfing for over a decade. After his time on the show, he continued pursuing his passion for competitive golf by participating in several tournaments and even winning them. He has also proven his athletic prowess through downhill ski racing, securing a spot in the "top five."
During his appearance on Love in the Wild, Steele tested the waters with several contestants. His first partner was Vanessa Guerrero. After some back and forth, they ended things. He then paired up with Kym Nguyen for one episode. Following the split, he chose his final partner in the show, Erica Scherle. They competed together for three episodes and were then sent packing.
Love in the Wild truly puts connections through the ringer to ensure their strength, through tasks testing their physical and mental capabilities, along with their compatibility with their partners.
Season 1 of Love in the Wild is now streaming on Netflix.