The Pale Blue Eye premiered on Netflix on January 6, 2023, bringing the brilliant Christian Bale to the movie screens. The unique detective mystery followed Christian Bale's Augustus Landor on a quest to solve some major crimes involving the murders and mutilations of multiple cadets. Interestingly, he was assisted by the legendary literary genius Edgar Allan Poe (played by Harry Melling).
One of the finest aspects of the movie was its tone. Some of the more unforgettable aspects of the approximately two-hour journey into the gloomy 1830s New York are the gothic tone of the film and the stunning landscapes. The majority of these picturesque scenes were filmed in western Pennsylvania. It also used Westminster College in New Wilmington to portray West Point in The Pale Blue Eye. The narrative was heavily driven by the location.
With the release of The Pale Blue Eye on Netflix, here are the locations where the Christian Bale-starrer was shot.
The Pale Blue Eye shooting locations: Pittsburgh, Westminster College, Westmoreland County, and more
Here are all the prominent locations used in the shooting of The Pale Blue Eye. All seven of these locations are situated in Pennsylvania.
1) Westminster College in Lawrence County
Westminster College served as one of the primary locations for the gothic setting of the Steve Cooper film. The gothic style architecture of the buildings was used to create the feel of the 1800s and was supplemented by the large open grounds that were transformed into the gloomy countryside as depicted in the film.
2) Old Economy Village in Beaver County
Another historic landmark used in creating the look and feel of the old American countryside, Old Economy Village is one of the most renowned landmarks in the area. It was previously the home of the Harmony Society.
3) The Compass Inn Museum in Westmoreland County
Many will remember this historically-accurate stagecoach in The Pale Blue Eye. This popular landmark was used to shoot the scene.
4) McConnell’s Mill State Park in Lawrence County
The immensely recognizable park in Lawrence Country was another location transformed by the charm of the great camera crew in the film.
5) Allegheny Cemetery in Pittsburgh
The Allegheny Cemetry in Pittsburgh is one of the locations that naturally resembles 1800s America. This was the natural choice for the cemetery scene in the film. Interestingly, the cemetery opened in 1844 while the film took place in 1830s.
The other two locations used in the film were Penguin Court and Thomas Road Farm in Westmoreland County and Moraine State Park in Butler County. There were numerous other roads and lanes used from the city as well.
The filmmaker behind The Pale Blue Eye previously spoke to Trib Live about his fascination with the East Coast region. He said:
"And in terms of trying to re-create the Hudson Valley in 1830, it felt like Western Pennsylvania would be as good a place as any. It's the same Appalachian Mountain chain. I knew that it would give me the landscape that I was looking for. I knew that it would certainly give me the weather that I was looking for. So I was more than happy to come back"
The Pale Blue Eye is now streaming on Netflix.