The Strays premiered on Netflix on February 17, 2023. The story follows a young lady named Neve (Ashley Madekwe) whose life is turned upside down when two shadowy figures from her past appear and threaten to change everything. The movie has received a positive response from fans and critics alike.
The beautifully shot and edited film is directed by Nathaniel Martello-White and stars Justin Salinger, Jorden Myrie, Samuel Small, and Bukky Bakray. Its synopsis reads:
"A light-skinned Black woman's meticulously crafted life of privilege starts to unravel when two strangers show up in her quaint suburban town."
One of the most striking aspects of the film is its use of pristine locations such as London, Suffolk, Berkshire, and Wiltshire.
A deep dive into The Strays' filming locations
The Strays had a very interesting plot that took place all around England, specifically London, Suffolk, Berkshire, and Wiltshire.
The majority of The Strays was shot in London. The vast city provided the majority of the technical depth required for the shots. While the movie's lovely house might not have been set in London, most of the film's other significant locales were.
London is the largest and most commercially important location in the entire country. It is also considered one of the major global cities in the entire world.
Suffolk served as another important location for The Strays. A large part of the shooting took place in the idyllic countryside.
Suffolk is a ceremonial county in England's East Anglia and is considered a great location for shooting.
Berkshire and Wiltshire
Berkshire and Wiltshire were also some of the places used in the film, according to multiple sources.
Berkshire is a historic county in South East England and a major tourist attraction to this day. It was recognized by Queen Elizabeth II as the Royal County of Berkshire in 1957 because of the presence of Windsor Castle.
Wiltshire is a historic and ceremonial county in South West England, widely known for its historic importance and beautiful landscapes. Wiltshire is characterized by its high downlands and wide valleys.
More about The Strays
The Strays is Netflix's latest entry into its large catalog of thriller films. Nathaniel Martello-White's film follows Neve (Ashley Madekwe) as her life is turned upside down by the appearance of two mysterious figures.
The film is allegedly inspired by real events, making it all the more interesting. According to information revealed by the director in an interview, his initial inspiration came from a story he heard from his mother. In an interview with Radio Times, he said:
"It was about a woman who essentially was denying the fact that she had two Black children,...[She also] had two children, who were very fair-skinned and almost white-passing, and this woman was biracial. And I was just really struck by the kind of complexities of that, like, what would make somebody feel like they had to erase their past and deny it?"
He added:
"I had a really interesting conversation with my mum about generational trauma – she's also biracial – and she was sort of talking to me about her experiences as a biracial woman and kind of traversing different cultures and classes and sometimes being perceived as almost white and kind of how people would treat her."
The Strays is available for streaming on Netflix.