Twilight, an American romantic fantasy film, was primarily shot in Oregon. Melissa Rosenberg wrote the screenplay for Twilight, which is directed by Catherine Hardwicke. It is the first movie in the Twilight Saga series. The movie centers on the growth of Bella and Edward's romance, as well as Edward and his family's subsequent efforts to protect Bella from a coven of evil vampires. Kristen Stewart and Robert Pattinson feature as the teenage girl Bella Swan and vampire Edward Cullen, respectively.
Four sequels to the movie were released in 2009, 2010, 2011, and 2012 titled The Twilight Saga: New Moon, The Twilight Saga: Eclipse, The Twilight Saga: Breaking Dawn - Part 1, and The Twilight Saga: Breaking Dawn - Part 2.
The film was mostly shot in Oregon, and it took 44 days to complete principal photography, which was finished on May 2, 2008. Summit Entertainment's theatrical release of Twilight took place in the US on November 21, 2008.
Was 'Twilight' Really Filmed in Forks?
The Olympic Peninsula's Forks, Washington State, is the setting for Stephenie Meyer's wildly popular novel, Twilight. Even though Forks is a real town and the novel cites recognizable locales, the movie was shot primarily in and around Portland, Oregon, with a small amount in Washington and even California, due to practical considerations.
Where Was the Prologue Scene in 'Twilight' Filmed?
A deer is attacked by an unidentified attacker in the prologue scene. This was filmed in Silver Falls State Park in Oregon, 26 miles east of Salem. The same state park was also used for the scene where Edward Cullen and Bella Swan were seen for the first time in the treetops.
What is Twilight based on?
The 2008 American romantic fantasy movie Twilight was helmed by Catherine Hardwicke. It is based on the 2005 novel Twilight by Stephenie Meyer. At MTV Films, a division of Paramount Pictures, the project was in development for around three years, during which time a film adaptation that was very different from the book was developed. Following the project's lack of progress, Summit Entertainment bought the rights to the book. Before the 2007–2008 Writers Guild of America strike, Melissa Rosenberg wrote a new adaptation of the novel and tried to stay as true as possible to the plot.
Stephenie Meyer, the author of the Twilight novel, was inspired to pen the book after experiencing a particularly vivid dream about a regular teenage girl and a glittering, alluring vampire who had complicated feelings for her. The two were having an intense talk in a forested meadow.
Q. Where was the Twilight Beach scene filmed?
A. The Twilight Beach scene was filmed at Cannon Beach in Oregon.
Q. Where is Bella's house from Twilight located?
A. Bella's house from Twilight is undoubtedly one of the most well-known places. The house is located in St. Helens, Oregon.
Q. Where was Cullen's house in Twilight filmed?
A. Edward first introduced Bella to his parents at Cullen’s house and the house used for filming is located at 3333 NW Quimby Street in Portland, Oregon.