Bad Vs. Wild is a reality TV series that premiered on Sunday, March 3, 2024, exclusively on Zeus Network. The new TV show gathers women who have conflicts with each other to come face to face and have a physical fight to resolve their rivalry.
The official show description states that it will bring different “challenges, competitions and showdowns to settle pre-existing beefs.” It further states:
"From The Zeus Network and Executive Producer Nick Cannon, comes an outrageous mostly female series full of challenges, competitions and showdowns to settle pre-existing beefs. All filmed in Las Vegas and capped off with performances by some of today’s hottest musical acts."
Fans can watch the newly released episodes every Sunday on Zeus Network and streaming platforms such as Plex TV and Fire TV.
Fans can watch Bad Vs. Wild on the Zeus Network and other streaming platforms
The Zeus Network website has information about the streaming platforms where viewers can watch the new reality series, Bad Vs. Wild. This includes FireTV and its exclusive streaming partner Plex TV. Additionally, all new episodes will air on Zeus Network.
Zeus charges their customers a monthly membership fee of $5.99 per month and $59.99 yearly. Viewers can download the Zeus app on multiple Samsung, Apple, and Android devices, or sign in to their account on the Zeus website.
Plex TV, on the other hand, is not limited to laptops, TVs, and phones. Through the Plex Media Server, viewers can also connect game consoles and home theater PCs. The most impressive feature of Plex TV is that it is completely free, except for downloading the Plex app on mobile phones, for which you will have to make an in-app purchase.
Through the Plex premium subscription, users can watch the new Bad Vs. Wild season without any interruptions. Apart from the Plex TV Media Server, their Movies & Shows streaming service and ad-supported Live TV is completely free to access. For an ad-free option, Plex TV users will have to subscribe to the premium package to access exclusive features and remove playback limitations.
Apart from streaming Bad Vs. Wild, all Plex TV customers are given the option of DVR recording and adding episodes to their personal library. Plex TV users can also access interviews, behind-the-scenes and trailers.
At a monthly, yearly, and lifelong subscription of $4.99, $39.99, and $119.99 respectively, Plex TV is a great platform to watch Bad Vs. Wild.
According to the Bad Vs. Wild official trailer description posted to the Zeus Youtube channel:
"When a team of bad girls compete with a team of wild ones, chaos is sure to be the result. Premiering Sunday, March 3rd Only On Zeus!"
Meanwhile, the Zeus website mentioned the Bad Vs. Wild episode 1 synopsis. The 42-minute episode, titled Baddies vs Cabaret, is described as:
"Reality queens Natalie Nunn and Joseline Hernandez face off for an epic showdown. Featuring a live performance by GloRilla."
To see what the upcoming episodes will be about, don't forget to watch Bad Vs. Wild on Sundays at Zeus Network.