Based on the famed Broadway musical of the same name, "In the Heights," is a 2021 movie directed by John M. Chu (of "Crazy Rich Asians (2018)" fame). The movie originated from the 2007 Tony Award-winning musical, written by Quiara Alegría Hudes and composed by Lin-Manuel Miranda (of "Hamilton" fame).
Miranda, who is also amongst the film's cast, was recently part of his own massively popular musical-turned film, "Hamilton."
"In the Heights" was delayed by almost a year after its theatrical release was abrupted by COVID lockdowns. The film has already won three Midseason Awards for Best Picture, Best Filmmaker (John M. Chu), and Best Actor (Anthony Ramos).
"In the Heights": Streaming and release details, runtime, cast and synopsis.
"In the Heights" follows Usnavi, a New York bodega owner who imagines and sings about "a better life."
The movie has a runtime of 2 hours 23 minutes.
Theatrical Release:
The movie will be available in select theaters in most of the US from June 10, while Canada will have a theatrical release a day later, on June 11.
"In the Heights" will reach the UK and Australia on June 18 and June 24, respectively.
Streaming Release:
The musical-based film has been available for streaming since June 10 in countries where HBO Max is available.
HBO Max is not available in the UK. However, the theaters have been opened so that fans can enjoy the full IMAX experience.
In Canada, the movie will be reaching VOD services for rent (for 48 hours). These services include YouTube Movies, Apple TV / iTunes Store, Amazon Prime Video Store, Google Play Movies & TV, etc. The movie will be available on these VODs in Canada from June 10 onwards.
In Asia, "In the Heights" will have releases on the following dates:
Indonesia - June 9, 2021
Hong Kong - June 17, 2021
South Korea - June 30, 2021
Japan - July 30, 2021
Most Asian countries will have VOD releases of the film by August.
"In the Heights" will skip theaters for a direct release on VODs in India. The movie will drop on Apple TV, BookMyShow Stream and Google Play Movies on July 29.
Main Cast:
The movie stars Anthony Ramos (of "Hamilton" fame) in the lead role as the bodega owner in New York, Usnavi. Other cast members include Corey Hawkins (of "6 Underground" fame) as Benny, Leslie Grace (the new Batgirl) as Nina Rosario, Melissa Barrera as Vanessa, Lin-Manuel Miranda as Piragüero, and singer Marc Anthony as Gapo.