The Hulu original series, “Nine Perfect Strangers,” is set to drop on Amazon Prime and Hulu. The mini-series is based on the best-selling novel (of the same name) by Australian author Liane Moriarty (who also wrote the “Big Little Lies”).
The upcoming series is filled with a star-studded cast, including Nicole Kidman, Melissa McCarthy, Michael Shannon, Luke Evans, Regina Hall, and more. “Nine Perfect Strangers” was directed by Jonathan Levine (of 2011’s “Warm Bodies” and 2019’s “Long Shot” fame). Meanwhile, David E. Kelley (who also serves as one of the writers on the series) and John-Henry Butterworth created the show for Hulu.
The mini-series also has producers from HBO’s “Big Little Lies (2017-2019)” drama. “Nine Perfect Strangers” is the second property to be based on Liane Moriarty’s novels.
Where to watch Nine Perfect Strangers, and when is it available?
In the US, “Nine Perfect Strangers” will debut Wednesday, July 18, on Hulu. Meanwhile, the show will be released in other countries (except China) on August 20 via Amazon Prime Video.
Hulu will release the first three episodes of Nine Perfect Strangers on July 18, with weekly releases expected on Wednesday. While the exact time of the release is unknown, Hulu usually drops new shows at 12:01 a.m. ET (or 9 a.m. PST). Hulu subscriptions start from $5.99 (in the US).
Amazon Prime Video
In other countries (including India, Australia, and the UK), the series will be available on Amazon Prime Video. The first three episodes will drop on August 20, presumably at 12:00 a.m. GMT (or 5:30 p.m. IST, 1:00 p.m. BST, and 10:00 p.m. AEST). Amazon Prime Video subscription starts from ₹129 (in India), AU $6.99 (Australia), and £7.99 (UK).
A concise story
The mini-series is likely to have only one season and will have eight episodes in total.
So far, the titles of the first three episodes are known. They are “Random Acts of Mayhem,” “The Critical Path,” and “Earth Day,” respectively.
The finale episode (8) is slated to drop on September 29 at Hulu and is expected to drop on October 1 at Amazon Prime Video.
Series details
The synopsis on the series’ IMDB Page reads,
“Nine stressed city dwellers visit a boutique health-and-wellness resort that promises healing and transformation. The resort’s director is a woman on a mission to reinvigorate their tired minds and bodies.”
The mini-series is highly anticipated as it drops after two years of “Big Little Lies,” which also starred Kidman. Fans of the previous adaptation of Liane Moriarty’s work are expected to find “Nine Perfect Strangers” entertaining as well.