CBS is currently gearing up to air the second season of The Challenge USA on August 10, 2023. Originally launched on July 6, 2022, the show proved to be a hit among its viewers. The reality show sees several contestants fight it out in fierce competitions to emerge victorious and win the title and the $250,000 cash prize.
The contestants set to appear in The Challenge USA season 2 have been part of other CBS reality shows in the past, including The Challenge, Survivor, Big Brother, and The Amazing Race. Dusty Harris, one of the individuals set to appear on the show, was earlier part of season 33 of The Amazing Race. On the show, he competed with his best friend Ryan Ferguson. The duo made it to the final three of the competition and finished in third place.
On the day of its premiere, episode 1 of the reality show titled The Riskiest Season Yet, will be released as well. The official synopsis of the episode reads:
“The 18 reality titans from 'Big Brother,' 'Survivor,' and 'The Amazing Race' are shocked to learn that they are competing amongst six legendary veterans from MTV's 'The Challenge'; a new twist puts multiple players at risk at the first elimination.”
T.J. Levin, who is known for hosting shows like The Challenge, Spring Break Challenges, and Real World/Road Rules Challenge will return as the host for season 2 of the hit show.
The Challenge USA season 2 contestant Dusty Harris has a son named Myles
Dusty Harris hails from Columbia, Missouri, and is 39 years old. He graduated from Westminster College in 2007 with a degree in Business Communications. After this, Dusty worked as a Marketing Associate at Sysco food service for seven years before being promoted to District Sales Manager.
In 2017, he became the District Sales Coordinator at Aflac, where he works currently. In 2016, he tied the knot with Ashley Harris and the couple welcomed their son Myles into the world in February 2021.
The Challenge USA season 2 contestant has more than 7k followers on his Instagram account and is also the host of Pitstop Podcast. He has also built a business with his wife called The Harris House B&B, whose website reads:
"The Harris House B&B, built in 1909, sits in the heart of downtown Glenwood Springs, CO and is in walking distance to all the town has to offer. The Harris House standard is to create a welcoming and inviting space for guests."
It continued:
“Relax with a cup of coffee and a book in the cozy sitting room or take in the views and fresh air in one of the outdoor seating areas. Prepare to indulge in chef-inspired breakfasts, hear local recommendations, and create memories and experiences that will last a lifetime.”
Apart from Dusty Harris, the other cast members of the upcoming show, The Challenge USA season 2 include:
- Wes Bergman
- John Amadeus "Johnny Bananas" Devenanzio
- Paulie Calafiore
- Cassidy Clark
- Luis Colon
- Tyler Crispen
- Tori Deal
- Michele Fitzgerald
- Amanda Garcia
- Monte Taylor
- Chanelle Howell
- Ameerah Jones
- Alyssa Lopez
- Jonna Stephens
- Josh Martinez
- Tiffany Mitchell
- Sebastian Noel
- Michaela Bradshaw
- Alyssa Snider
- Faysal Shafaat
- Chris Underwood
- Cory Wharton
- Desi Williams
Be sure to tune into CBS on August 10, 2023, to catch the premiere episode of The Challenge USA season 2.