The second season of The White Lotus premiered earlier this month, bringing back the ominous hotel called White Lotus, this time in the beautiful land of Sicily, Italy. The satirical dark-comedy series, similar to the first season, began with a dead body in the water and delved back into the week that may have led to this incident.
With two episodes already out, it is clear that the show's writing and direction are as sharp as its first season. The new season appears to be packed to the gills with discussions of s*x and marriage. The previous episode featured some exquisite developments in the lives of the Di Grasso men, as well as some recurring tension in Tanya McQuoid's (Jennifer Hunt's Coolidge) story. There was also an intriguing dynamic between the two couples at the resort, which will be explored further in the upcoming episode.
The upcoming episode of The White Lotus season 2 will premiere on November 13, 2022, at 9.00 PM EST. Read on for more details about the upcoming episode of the acclaimed show.
The White Lotus season 2 episode 3: Is an all-boys trip around the corner?
Though there is no teaser for the third episode of The White Lotus season 2, a synopsis released by the network has hinted at some boys' time for Ethan Spiller (Will Sharpe) and Cameron Sullivan (Theo James). This is sure to give the viewers an opportunity to explore the characters better.
This is especially relevant to Cameron, who seems to be too in love with his perfect wife, Daphne Sullivan (Meghann Fahy). In another development, the synopsis hints that Daphne and Harper Spiller (Aubrey Plaza) will also go on an excursion without their husbands. This will also allow us to learn more about Harper and Daphne and their relationship. Harper has been the more dynamic character thus far, whereas Daphne has only been the perfect wife and lover.
The synopsis for the upcoming episode reads:
"After promising to have a more positive attitude, Harper gets looped into a side excursion with Daphne – leaving Ethan and Cameron behind for some bro time. On her own for two days, Tanya seeks advice from a local tarot reader and summons Portia back from sightseeing with the Di Grassos. Later, Albie questions whether his father truly respects women."
Apart from the two couples, the other storylines in the upcoming episode also seem to be just as interesting. Because this season is slightly longer (7 episodes) than the previous one, it may take some time to build the suspense that distinguishes this brilliant show from the other shows on-air.
Tanya going to seek out a tarot reader also seems like an interesting development. She is one of the characters we are familiar with from the previous season. In the grand scheme of things, this could also be an interesting development. Furthermore, more things that have been purposefully hidden until now could be revealed soon.
The upcoming episode of The White Lotus season 2 will premiere on November 13, 2022, on HBO. Stay tuned for more updates.