Amanda Mammana blew the judges away with her singing skills on Season 17 of America's Got Talent (AGT). The singer-songwriter performed her heartwarming original song and moved the judges to tears as she sang about the struggles she has had to face. Her audition aired on Tuesday, July 19, 2022, at 8.00 PM ET on NBC. The artist was among the many talented contestants featured in Episode 8.
The AGT contestant revealed upon making her debut on stage that she had a speech impediment due to which she faced many obstacles in life. However, once she started performing, there was no sign of a speech delay. This came as a shock to judges Simon Cowell, Sofia Vergara, Howie Mandel, and Heidi Klum as well as to the live audience who gave a thunderous applause after witnessing her talent.
AGT contestant Amanda Mammana receives standing ovation from judges
As soon as Amanda stepped on stage and was asked her name, it was evident to the audience and viewers back home that she struggled with a speech impediment. But what was commendable was the fact that her confidence remained unaffected as the contestant presented herself.
The 19-year-old Connecticut native revealed that she struggled with a speech impediment and shared the problems she faced while dealing with it from a young age. She said:
"It was definitely something that caused me to shy away and to hide. But I found out that I don't stutter when I sing."
The AGT contestant then revealed that she had chosen to perform her original song which talks about the hard times she endured. However, the singer confessed that if she could go back in time and change her life, she wouldn't because that's what made her who she is today.
Amanda wowed the judges and the audience with her song, and received a standing ovation. The judges complimented her perseverance and strength, which not only moved the live audience but also the television viewers. The singer then earned her spot in the next round.
About Amanda Mammana
She describes herself as a "multi-talented free spirit" on her website. Amanda was just 10 years old when she developed the speech impediment. Her outgoing nature was severely affected following the diagnosis. She had to deal with bouts of insecurity, but eventually found solace in picking up a guitar and practicing music, which became her "safe space."
The AGT contestant practiced until she could sing and play the guitar at the same time, and soon realized that she wasn't stuttering while she sang. Amanda joined her school's worship band in 7th grade, and her church's worship band a year later. Singing and sharing her voice with people helped her feel free.
However, Amanda continued to battle insecurity and self-doubt as she grew older. She was embarrassed by the way she spoke and could not voice her feelings. Although known to express powerful messages, she no longer felt that her voice mattered. But, she picked up songwriting after battling a "really hard summer of anxiety and depression," which changed things for the better.
The AGT contestant nurtured her interest in songwriting as she was able to "take the pain and turn it into something real and beautiful." Her website bio describes her well-articulated thoughts on bringing awareness to the medical condition through music. She says:
"Because of the struggles I went through, I was given inspiration to write songs about the human condition. Everyone faces trials and tribulations but music is such a powerful catalyst for positive change. When words fail, music speaks!"
Amanda has been active on Instagram since 2020 and has over 3.4K followers. Her musical singles include Prove You Wrong, Worth The Waiting, and Bigger Man. She has also recorded a few cover songs. Viewers can check out her website which is linked on her Instagram account.
America's Got Talent (AGT) has been renewed for the 17th year in a row owing to the tremendous success of its previous installments. This season, the show has seen some incredible talent showcased across a variety of art forms, and there's much more to come.
Keep watching America's Got Talent on NBC.