Aiden Spencer, portrayed by Jason David, is a fictional character in the ABC soap opera General Hospital. He is the on-screen son of Lucky Spencer and his ex-wife, Nurse Elizabeth Webber, born on July 19, 2010.
He's Cameron's half-brother, Jake's half-brother, and the first biological grandchild of the loving Luke and Laura Spencer, making him part of an intriguing family dynamic. Many child performers have taken on the role of Aiden Spencer over the years.
Interestingly, Titus Jackson, the real-life son of Jonathan Jackson, played Aiden's on-screen father for a time. Jonathan Jackson also briefly portrayed Aiden in 2011 for a year.
Who plays Aiden in General Hospital?
Aiden has had a few actors play him over the years in the series General Hospital. Interestingly, twins Adrian and Brett Ritter took on the role from 2010 to 2011. Then, in 2011, twins Maximo and Finbar had their turn.
Titus Jackson, who is the real-life son of Jonathan Jackson, played Aiden from 2011 to 2012, following his on-screen father Lucky (2009–2011). Later, Jason David took over the character on August 3, 2012.
Jason David had to leave General Hospital after his first appearance on April 16, 2020, due to the COVID-19 outbreak. However, he returned as Aiden on March 17, 2021. In an unexpected twist, Aiden received a new face on August 31, 2021, with the recasting of Enzo De Angelis.
Who are Aiden's parents?
As mentioned earlier in the article, Aiden's parents in General Hospital are Elizabeth and Lucky. When Elizabeth discovered she was expecting Aiden, things were complicated because she and Lucky had broken off their engagement.
Uncertain about the father of her baby, Elizabeth goes through a tough period. The stress gets overwhelming, leading her to a breaking point. In a moment of crisis, she attempts to harm herself by jumping off the hospital roof.
Luckily, Lucky intervenes just in time to prevent any harm. A dramatic turn occurred when Elizabeth had a paternity test, revealing Lucky as the father on March 16, 2010.
However, unbeknownst to everyone, Helena has deliberately altered the paternity test results, falsely indicating that Nikolas is the biological father of Spencer.
What happened to Aiden Spencer in General Hospital?
While the odds were in Elizabeth's favor, she and Nikolas were happy to welcome their little one, Aiden, into the world. Things got interesting when Aiden's brother Spencer stopped by the delivery room without realizing Aiden had just been born.
The next day, Aiden and his mother were sent home, but something unexpected happened—Aiden went missing! The hospital became concerned and suspected that he had been abducted, possibly by Helena.
However, it turned out that a serial killer and artist named Franco kidnapped Aiden to give him to his mother, Karen Anderson, who always wanted a son from him.
Lucky, Dante, and Jason worked together to find Franco and bring Aiden back to his mommy and daddy. Franco gave Aiden to his mom, Karen, who had always wanted a baby. Thanks to some brave guys and good detective work, they found Franco and brought Aiden back to his real family.
Everyone was happy to be reunited, especially Aiden's mom and dad. Even though Lucky wished Aiden was his son, he didn't know the truth about Aiden's real father. This exciting adventure had lots of ups and downs, but in the end, everyone was happy and safe.
In the end, we notice Aiden's dramatic arrival brought the Webber-Cassadine family closer together. Born on July 19, 2010, Aiden faced early challenges after being kidnapped, and then rescued, leading to a heartwarming reunion for Aiden with his relieved parents, Elizabeth and Nikolas, and his siblings, Cameron and Jake.
The twists and turns in Aiden's early days made for compelling storytelling in the General Hospital saga.