ABC’s upcoming show, Influencer Lagoon, hosted by Alan Chow and Madison Lewis, will position the spotlight on the most famous influencers on social media. The brand new show will feature a war of likes among quality social media personalities of all time and crown the "next greatest influencer".
The network released a 15-sec teaser of the show on March 10 which got viewers startled by the concept. A set of influencer contestants will be performing various adventure and entertainment tasks along, showing their influencer power.
In the show’s exclusive teaser, hosts Alan Chow and Madison Lewis were filmed saying:
“They’re the best at selfies. At hashtags. At #SponCon. But there can only be one next great influencer. It’s time for Influencer Lagoon.”
Who are Alan Chow and Madison Lewis from Influencer Lagoon season 1?
For an influencer show like Influencer Lagoon, the channel has cast Alan Chow and Madison Lewis, two highly loved actors and social media influencers, as hosts. The duo looks great in the teasers and will bring an energized aura to the two-part series. Get to know these young personalities better:
Alan Chow
Born on November 15, 1996, actor Alan Chow initially started his career in modeling. After working in JC Penney's print catalog, he was introduced to the film and TV industry. As an actor, Chow has worked on The Emperor of Malibu, Grey's Anatomy, and Into the Dark.
Currently, Alan is a renowned TikTok star. The Dallas-born rose to massive fame when he started posting brief comedy skits as content on his account. With 431K followers, the TikToker introduces himself as an actor, creator, and writer on his Instagram.
Upon getting appointed as the host of the upcoming show Influencer Lagoon, he posted an Instagram reel and captioned it:
"the secret is out !! my new ABC show trailer just dropped 🙌🏻 premiering next Wednesday on @abcnetwork ✨"
Madison Lewis
Actor Madison Lewis is a vivacious influencer on different social media platforms. She has acted in the movies Alexander IRL, Chicken Girls, and Zombies 2: The Collab. She is also famous as a TikToker and uploads many self-love posts. She has a separate Instagram page for the same with the tag @justrememberyouarebeautiful.
Known by the nickname Mads, she also posts many videos with her friends on her YouTube channel Mads Lewis.
The influencer sells many goodies like t-shirts and phone covers themed on self-love on her website Fan Joy.
The show is yet to announce its premiere date and timings.