In Netflix's hilarious show Nothing to See Here, Alexis Arroyo, a blind comedian, takes center stage, blending his own life stories with a character that shares his name. This comedy is not just about one person's journey but also about a group of Mexico's top stand-up comedians, all trying to make their dreams come true in a society that doesn't always appreciate diversity.
The series is all about humor and wit, and it's not afraid to challenge political correctness. It makes you think about the ups and downs of ambition in a world that doesn't always appreciate individuality. Nothing to See Here uses comedy to show viewers a different side of life.
Who is the blind comedian?
Alexis Arroyo plays a blind comedian named Alexis. The character is kind of based on the actor's own experiences. The series takes place in Mexico City and follows Alexis as he chases his dreams in the lively world of stand-up comedy.
His best friend, Kike Vázquez, is right there with him, bringing even more diversity to the show by playing a character with cerebral palsy. For Alexis, the series is about more than just acting; it's about making dreams a reality. He hopes that visually impaired teens will be inspired by seeing someone like him on the show, making his journey a symbol of awesomeness and potential.
Who stars in Nothing to See Here?
The cast of the Netflix comedy series Nothing to See Here is a talented group, and they all bring something unique to the show's awesome storyline. Alexis Arroyo stars as the main character, playing Alexis, the up-and-coming blind comedian whom the whole series is centered around.
The cast includes Kike Vázquez as Charly, Paola Fernández as Azul, Memo Villegas as Jimmy, Teté Espinoza as Maya, Raúl Villegas as Lalo, and Alejandro Calva as Yuyo, who bring a mix of diverse characters to the show.
Begoña Narváez, Verónica Merchant, Enrique Arreola, and Francisco Calvillo also join the series' cast.
Created by Santiago Limón, the show follows the journey of an aspiring blind comedian and his best friend with cerebral palsy, in a world that challenges preconceptions and embraces the richness and diversity of experiences the narrative intertwines humor and heart.
What is Nothing to See Here about?
The show, also called Ojitos De Huevo, is all about going after your dreams, even when it feels like the world doesn't understand. It's not just funny; it shows how strong and inspiring it is to follow your passions, even when society gets in the way.
With some of Mexico's funniest stand-up comedians in the mix, Nothing to See Here becomes a total reflection of the crazy rollercoaster of being human, making it a must-see for anyone looking for a good laugh and some deep thinking.
The show Nothing to See Here on Netflix is not your typical comedy. It takes a deep dive into the lives of characters like Alexis, played by Alexis Arroyo.