The critically acclaimed show Shark Tank is back on ABC with its thirteenth season. This time, the reality series has invited four new guest sharks, who will judge the potential candidates and decide who to put their money on.
The new season has very promising entrepreneurs, one of them being siblings Chris and Jennifer Jane. The Texas-based duo present their easy, healthy meal service that requires no refrigeration and gets mailed directly to the client's door.
About Shark Tank contestant, Chris James
Chris is obsessed with learning and education. He loves that it keeps him on his toes and allows him to improve continuously.
James has spent five years in the natural food sector building a prior brand before graduating with an MBA at Stanford.
Chris considers his main mode of transport a OneWheel, he loves to practice Core Power Yoga and also, James is an absolute cat dad. He keeps himself busy fostering kittens.
About Shark Tank contestant, Jen James
Jen loves being surrounded by whiteboards and markers, with a million things on her marketing to-do list. Jen loves reading books, lives on consuming data and loves being a content creator.
The whole of the Proper Good team is now following Jen's daily ritual of tea, cake and dance.
Jen is multi-talented, she's not only an entrepreneur, she's also a stand-up comedian, writer, and co-star of the feature film Charged.
About Proper Good
The idea behind Proper Good is to have healthy, chemical-free meals ready at your disposal at an economical price point. In the busy lifestyle that everyone leads, it isn't easy to make nutritious food all the time.
With clean label ingredients and flexible packaging, the start-up makes eating very easy. Proper Good has received good reviews from Forbes, Reader's Digest, and Spoon University.
Shark Tank Season 13 premiered on Friday, October 8, 2021, at 8.00 PM Eastern Time (ET) on ABC. The last season of the Emmy-winning reality series created history as it became the most-watched season in three years.