Netflix’s bluff game show, The Circle, is set to cast Crissa Jackson as one of its contestants in its upcoming season 4, premiering on May 4. The 31-year-old is a content creator who was once nominated for the GLAAD Media Awards for contributing to the LGBTQ community. Crissa will be playing the game as herself on the show. Other contestants will join her: Yu Ling Wu, Alyssa Ljubicich, Rachel Evans, and Frank Grimsley.
The Circle features nine contestants playing to gain social media popularity and likes from each other. However, this season will feature 4 catfishers and 5 original accounts. Everyone is allowed to text and send images to each other without meeting in person. The one who successfully earns the highest rating among fellow competitors will win a grand prize of $150,000.
Moreover, the four contestants who will catfish this season are Josh Brubaker (as Bru), Alex Brizard (as Nathan), John Franklin (as Carol), and Parker Abbott (as Paul).
The official synopsis of the show reads:
The Circle focuses on contestants who must fight for online popularity in the title app, either by playing themselves or becoming conniving catfish. While this season promises more fakes than ever, it also guarantees more drama and surprises. And hopefully, more iconic catfish witch hunts. (Hint: If you’re playing a twentysomething girl, be prepared with a full beat, OK?)
The Circle's Crissa Jackson has played basketball since childhood
Crissa Jackson is a 31-year-old basketball player from La Mesa, California. Born on October 29, 1989, to James Jackson and Teresa Jackson, Crissa developed her athletic skills from seven. She was enthusiastic about playing basketball and found the most significant inspiration from her father.
She played for her high school and later joined the teams at Savannah State University and Point Loma Nazarene University from a very young age. At one point in her career, she became the 13th woman to play for the oldest basketball club in the world, Harlem Globetrotters.
The YouTuber also makes funny clips of her performing amazing basketball tricks. She mainly uploads her athletic content on TikTok, YouTube, and Instagram.
Besides being a hardcore athlete, Crissa has worked, and continues to work immensely toward the LGBTQ community. She owns a women’s rights non-profit organization and is an advocate of LGBTQ rights, human rights, and animal welfare. In 2021, The Circle contestants were also nominated as the Queer Advocate of the Year by GLAAD Media Awards.
Crissa realized that she was a lesbian in college. However, she did not accept her sexuality until her first year. Presently, she's leading a happily married life with her long-time partner, Alexis. The couple got married on December 18, 2017.
Viewers can watch The Circle season 4 on Wednesday, May 4, on Netflix.