On NBC's The Courtship, one of the suitors competing for the affection of the lead, Nicole Remy, is Danny Kim, referred to as "Captain Kim". The New Jersey native is the son of Korean immigrants and a graduate of the US Air Force Academy, who was discharged honorably with the rank of Captain.
Who is The Courtship star Danny Kim?
The Courtship star Danny Kim retired from USAF as Captain and reinvented himself as a motivational speaker and lifestyle coach. After viewing the 2005 Will Smith movie "Hitch", which was about a professional "date doctor", the star was inspired to start his own business as a confidence coach.
He began his own show called ABCs of Attraction and regularly posts short motivational videos on Instagram. The star regularly posts his views on relationships, which include how to get over a previous relationship, how to build chemistry and general topics like the difference between expectations and reality, the idea of value and more.
The star also regularly posts a lot of his personal transformation photos on social media. In addition to the photos, he has posted captions describing his journey and some motivational quotes along with it. Through these posts, the retired Captain talks about his journey, from being bullied as an Asian kid to making his own mark in life.
In an interview with Allkpop, Kim talked about being the only suitor of Asian heritage. He said:
"Being the only Asian guy, I felt that it was a great opportunity for me to show how Asian men can be sexy and awesome...In western media and especially in dating shows, there are not a lot of Asians, if any, casted. Usually, they will be eliminated in the first round or get zero air time...I felt like it was a privilege to show that when an Asian man falls for a woman, he will do everything to go for the woman he desires."
The star also looked back on the concept of dating in Korean culture during his parents' time. He revealed that his mom still has his father's letters he wrote to her after leaving Korea to find a better life in America.
Kim's next goal after The Courtship is to start acting in Korea and represent Korean-Americans in Asian media. As a gyopo, he believes it is time for Korean-Americans to be represented in Korean media and dramas.
Sixteen single men from around the world along with the lead will travel back in time to when ballroom dances, carriage rides, archery competitions, handwritten letters, and other gestures were a part of the journey to find true love. The reality show is set in a countryside castle located in England with suitors who follow the rituals of the Regency era in pursuit of the hand of a fair maiden.
The suitors on The Courtship have to not just impress the lead, Nicole Remy, but also get the approval from her trusted court: her father, Claude, her mother, Claire, her sister Danielle, and best friend, Tessa.
The Courtship premieres on Sunday, March 6, 2022 at 8.00 pm ET on NBC.