Alex Batty, who had been missing since 2017, was recently discovered safe by the authorities on December 13, 2023. According to the Independent, Batty was found by a delivery boy named Fabien Accidini in an area close to the town of Revel on Wednesday morning. Alex was 11 years old at the time when he went missing.
While he has been found safe, Alex's grandmother and legal guardian, Susan Caruana, believe that he possibly followed an "alternative lifestyle" after being persuaded by his mother Melanie and grandfather David. The claims come at a time when his family members are still trying to analyze where he was living all this time.
According to the Independent, the teenager's aunt, Maureen Batty, expressed the family's concern regarding his whereabouts and alleged that the boy was "brainwashed by the religion David was in."
Maureen further stated that Alex possibly did not have any access to education. Alex was reportedly hiking in the Pyrenees, where the residents avoid having any contact with the rest of the world and there are no schools in the area. Maureen said that the family is worried about how much Alex has changed after disappearing six years ago.
"He has had it rough. It is a mess. I've been told that Alex said that he had escaped and he didn't want to lead that lifestyle. I just want to know the truth about what's gone on."
David Batty is reportedly believed to be involved in Alex Batty's kidnapping
According to The Sun, 58-year-old David Batty was one of those who accompanied Alex Batty along with his mother Melanie on a trip in 2017. However, the entire family went missing, and they were allegedly residing as members of a "spiritual community" somewhere in the mountains of the Pyrenees.
The Independent stated that while Alex has been found, Melanie and David are still missing. When he was found by Fabien Accidini on Wednesday, Alex allegedly claimed that he was abducted by his mother and had been residing at a luxurious property in Spain with ten more people for the last three years, as per Sky News.
Fabien also revealed to the reporters that, as per Alex's words, he was walking in the area for around four days and had a skateboard and flashlight in his hand.
CNN reported that Alex Batty initially did not reveal his real name, and while Fabien got in touch with the local police, Alex contacted his grandmother Susan through Fabien's phone.
"He was relieved to leave, to return to England, to see his grandmother again because he didn't want to live his whole life in that community. He wanted to have a real life with a real future."
Susan Caruana also confirmed that she spoke to Alex and the necessary arrangements were being made for his return to England.
Alex Batty's grandmother never lost hope of his return
The Daily Mail revealed that Alex Batty, along with his mother Melanie and grandfather David were supposed to stay in the area of Benehavis for around a week in 2017. Alex's grandmother, Susan Caruana, revealed in 2018 that she received a video where Melanie explained the reasons for leaving the UK.
Susan believed that the trio possibly could not adjust themselves to her simple lifestyle and did not want to send Alex to school. Susan did everything she could for the return of her grandson, and she once wrote in a Facebook post on Alex's 15th birthday:
"I think every day that you are in some far off place living the life that your mum wanted for you. All I want to know is that you're still alive and well. It's been years of torture, my heart is broken. I love you so much I just need to know you're ok."
Alex Batty is expected to return to the UK in the next few days, and he is currently being kept at a youth hostel in Toulouse, as per the Independent.