Trolls doubled down on Zoe Kravitz for wearing a mesh YSL gown at the 2021 Met Gala. Zoe tried to make a statement and express herself with a bold fashion choice by wearing a Yves Saint Laurent crystal mesh dress, which, according to the netizens, left little to the imagination.
The criticism from trolls had a great effect on the actress, forcing her to go on a social media detox. She shared her difficult situation in a recent interview with Elle for their March 2022 edition.
All about the Zoe Kravitz' 2021 Met Gala trolling incident
Zoe Kravitz faced a lot of problems in her teenage years because of lack of confidence. In an interview with Elle, Zoe shared details about her difficulties in the early twenties. She expressed,
“I never want to go back. I was a mess. I wasn’t making choices based on what felt good to me. Now we’re in an era of, What do I actually want? The good spot right now is taking a minute to say, ‘Maybe I should do this differently,’ and seeing what that feels like.”
Although so far she has been in a sweet spot in her thirties, she did take a little revisit to the moments of doubt due to the backlash she faced for her Met Gala outfit. The trolling was so merciless that it almost led to an Instagram shutdown. According to trolls, the dress was "showing too much skin." One of the trolls left a comment on her picture of the Met Gala dress saying,
"I don't understand why they go practically naked. She's gorgeous. Why does she feel the need to wear a dress like this?"
She replied to the troll by bringing forward the issue of body-positivity. She responded with,
“Being uncomfortable with the human body is colonization/brainwashing. It’s just a body. We all got em.”
The Batman actress went on to express how unfair it is for people to openly judge celebrities and give no thought to how it can affect them. She told Jessica Herndon,
“The fact that people don’t think what they say affects a celebrity because you’re not a person to them is crazy. I’m a human being. I want to f**king defend myself.”
Shortly after the backlash to the Met Gala 2021 incident, Zoe Kravitz deleted all her Instagram posts and left only a single picture from 2021, as a memory of the year. Since then, she has posted two pictures, both of which are to promote her upcoming movie, The Batman, in which she will appear alongside Robert Pattinson. She further added about her experience as well as learning from the situation. In an interview with Elle, she said,
“The fact that I’m like, ‘Should I have not worn that?’ No, I do what I want to do, and I make what I want to make, and if I’m now starting to be afraid of what other people are going to say or think, I’m no longer doing my job as an artist. I’m not experiencing the world and putting that into art. I’m walking on eggshells. F**k that. So, I needed to take a minute.”
It takes a lot of courage to rock an iconic, skin-baring look, featuring a YSL, especially when there have been trauma and self-confidence issues in a person's life. In an interview with, Zoe Kravitz opened up about her struggles with body positivity. She shared,
“I went to school with people who didn’t look like me and I felt really uncomfortable with the fact I looked different and had Black family members and white family members, and it didn’t feel good to be different. Now I’ve grown into myself I think that the things that make us different are the things that make us beautiful.”
Every situation, whether good or bad, has taught us something, and Zoe Kravitz has certainly grown stronger and bolder with each difficulty she has faced throughout her life. This is visible from her confrontation on the matter and a new outlook about herself.