Hazard High School is under investigation after several lewd pictures of students misbehaving in front of teachers have appeared online. A handful of disturbing images were posted on the school’s official Facebook page, which has now caught the attention of the Kentucky Department of Education.
Hazard High School posted images of its homecoming festivities on the athletics department’s Facebook page. The photos were subsequently taken down as well.
Amongst the several unseemly activities, a few of the events included a “Man pageant” and “Costume Day,” in which students and staff participated.
The events took place in the school’s gymnasium. Images showcased boys dressed in their undergarments, along with some wearing women’s intimates. Students were seen performing lewd acts towards male teachers.
Several faculty members were seen participating in the said events. Hazard High School Principal Donald “Happy” Mobelini, who happens to be the mayor of Perry County City, was also seen participating in the inappropriate event.
Mobelini under fire after allowing inappropriate behavior at Hazard's Homecoming event
Amongst the many disconcerting pictures posted online, the most eyebrow-raising images showcased students dancing inappropriately in front of principal Donald Mobelini

The Hazard High School principal was seen partaking in the event which transpired before him.
Aster Sizemore, a board member of Hazard Independent Schools, said in an interview that the principal should not have allowed such events to take place. Sizemore told The Courier-Journal:
"Normally, the principal, Happy Mobelini, is pretty dadgum strict, so that surprises me unless someone pulled something out of a hat. A kid comes to school with a short dress, you know, he makes them go home and change."
Mobelini has also found himself embroiled in another lawsuit. According to the Lexington Herald-Leader, the principal was accused of improper chaperoning during a school trip. The student alleged that she was r*ped by another student during the said trip.
Two other Hazard High School teachers are also involved in the same lawsuit as well. The case above also includes accusations about several students consuming alcohol during a trip in 2017. The jury trial is scheduled for August 2022, according to court records.