After a challenging third week, Survivor aired its fourth episode on March 30, 2022. The title for the fourth episode, "The Vibe of the Tribe," was appropriate to what transpired between the castaways on the show. In episode 4, viewers saw 30-year-old Daniel Strunk, a law clerk from Connecticut, strugge to keep his position and not get eliminated, as the tribe went against him after he voted against Lydia.
The contestant who was eliminated on this episode of Survivor was Swati Goel. She felt in a good spot with Ika, as she thought she had made alliances with everyone. But the same strategy worked against her favor as he tribemates began to realize she had alliances with them all, and thus voted her off.
The season premiere of the show introduced viewers to 18 castaways who were divided into their three tribes: Ika, Taku, and Vati. The contestants compete to outwit and outlast each other until one of them wins the title of the sole Survivor and earns a cash prize of $1 million.
Details on Survivor Season 42, Episode 4's elimination
After Survivor episode 3's Tribal Council sent Jenny Kim home, it was time for yet another cruel elimination. But before that, Taku once again emerged as the strongest tribe with Jonathan taking the title of "Goliath," the name given by Tori from the Ika tribe, after this week's Reward Challenge.
Although Swati struck a deal with Tori to form an alliance, the latter revealed the same to Rocksroy. He in turn revealed everything to Drea, leaving her questioning the all-woman alliance between her, Tori, and Swati.
The Taku tribe won the challenge and their reward, which was 10 decent-sized, freshly caught fish delivered to their camps. Maryanne used her advantage phrase during the Immunity Challenge, but no one replied even though Mark clearly had one. This challenge sealed Ika's fate to go into Tribal Council.
After losing the challenge, Rocksroy said:
"We’re a disaster. The only positive thing is that Tribal should be very simple tonight. We need to eliminate threat. And the biggest threat is Tori. She can’t keep a secret, and she can’t be trusted, so she’s going home tonight.”
However, a conversation between Tori and Romeo made them realize Swati might be their biggest threat, as she had alliances with everyone by giving them all kinds of information. Romeo pitched voting Swati out to Drea, and they realized she had been calling everyone her "number one," including Tori.
At the Tribal Council, as the Ika tribe talked about not bonding well, they decided that by voting Swati out, the tribe will become more united and peaceful. Swati tried defending herself, first by lying about not trying to blindside Drea, and second using her shot in the dark which marked her unsafe.
The votes were split between Swati and Tori, but in the end, the former got voted off because of her poor social skills.
As the castaways move towards their goal of winning the competition, the challenges get tougher and the mindgames get better. Viewers will have to tune in to see who gets voted off the next episode and what obstacles lie ahead for the tribes.
Survivor airs every Wednesday at 8.00 PM ET on CBS.