The Challenge: USA aired its third episode on Wednesday, July 20, 2022, at 9.00 pm ET on CBS. The one-hour packed time frame solidified power players, strong alliances, risk-takers, and many more aspects at this stage of the competition. After close calls and neck-to-neck competition, Tasha Fox and James Wallington were the next pair to be eliminated from the season.
On this week's episode of The Challenge: USA, it was evident that while some players like Tyson Apostol and Angela Rummans maintained their Final 2 alliance and emerged as the strongest players in the game, others like James were ready to take the risk of going against their former show members like Justine and Leo to win the competition. Overall, they realized that each contestant must look out for themselves to survive.
What transpired on The Challenge: USA Season 1 Episode 2?
Episode 2 of The Challenge: USA saw players getting new partners assigned with the help of the algorithm. While some were happy to be partnered with strong minds, others were comfortable with playing the challenge with players who have good strength and stamina. However, alliances were still being formed, and partners were still questioned throughout the episode.
After the partners were formed, it became evident to fellow contestants and viewers back home that Domenick Abbate and Cashay Proudfoot's partnership might become problematic. The duo weren't comfortable playing together and constantly ratted each other out.
Shan and Derek bonded over the former's social skills. The latter wasn't very confident about it and decided to be wary of her, considering her deception during her Survivor stint.
In the challenge round, the pairs had to build a staircase up to a platform where one had to hold a heavy bar. One of them would then have to race to figure out the game's phrase by picking up the letters and getting them to the board. If the player guesses a letter, not on the board, they would have to take a sandbag and hook it up on the bar their partner was holding.
Tasha was the first to let go of the bar, taking her and her partner James into elimination. Meanwhile, Kyland and Angela were the first to guess the phrase and won the round, having had the option of nominating fellow The Challenge: USA pair to compete against James and Tasha.
It was time for the strategies to be put into place. Tyson and Angela gathered top-tier players to discuss sending Domenick and Cashay, David Alexander, or Shan Smith into elimination. James, who was very well aware of his situation, decided to go against his own The Amazing Race alums, Leo and Justine, nominating them for a face-off with him and Tasha.
However, when it was time for Kyland and Angela to nominate, they chose Domenick and Cashay for the final round. After the latter group survived the elimination by a close call, James and Tasha had to head home this week.
The Challenge: USA is getting more interesting with each passing episode. As partners continue to change, viewers will have to tune in to find out who will be the partners next week and how that will shift the game's dynamics.
Tune in for an all-new episode of The Challenge: USA on Wednesday, July 27, 2022, at 9.00 pm ET on CBS.