Emmerdale, the popular ITV soap opera, introduced a vibrant newcomer on January 23, 2024, with actress Paula Lane taking on the role of Ella Forster. Emmerdale, originally known as Emmerdale Farm until 1989, stands as a prominent British television soap opera airing on ITV.
The show is set in the fictional village of Emmerdale (formerly Beckindale until 1994) nestled in the Yorkshire Dales. Making a dramatic entrance into the village, Ella's character immediately stirred the pot, adding a new layer of intrigue to the show.
Paula Lane’s Emmerdale debut as Ella
In Emmerdale, Paula Lane steps into the compassionate and caring shoes of Ella Forster. Ella's character faces a turbulent start, losing her job for standing up for Mandy Dingle (Lisa Riley) at a Veterinary Ball.
During her introduction, Ella found herself entangled in the dramatic social dynamics of the village. Mandy Dingle's arrival at the vets' social set the stage for conflict, with Jules igniting tensions by taunting Mandy about her attire.
The episode unfolded with confrontations, misunderstandings, and a splash of chaos, ultimately leading to Ella's bold decision to quit her job after pouring a drink over Jules. However, fate takes an unexpected turn for Ella when a chance encounter with Manpreet Sharma opens up new opportunities.
Paula Lane's prior works
While Ella Forster is a fresh face in Emmerdale, actress Paula Lane, who brings the character to life, is not new to ITV audiences. Best known for her portrayal of Kylie Platt on Coronation Street from 2010 to 2016, Paula Lane has carved a space for herself in the realm of British television.
In 2021, she graced the screens of Call the Midwife as Vera Sands and made an appearance in Father Brown as Emily Harris in 2022. Paula Lane's journey as Ella promises to be filled with twists and turns as she navigates a new life and potentially forms connections.
About the soap opera
The British soap opera was brought to life by Kevin Laffan and debuted on October 16, 1972. The series possibly derived its name from Amerdale, an ancient designation for Littondale.
Interior scenes have consistently found their home at Leeds Studios, while exterior shots initially unfolded in Arncliffe in Littondale. Esholt briefly hosted exterior scenes before transitioning to a purpose-built set on the Harewood estate.
Embracing high definition on October 10, 2011, the show earned the accolade of Best British Soap at the 2016 British Soap Awards. Notably, classic episodes have been featured twice daily on ITV3 since January 2019.
In a groundbreaking move announced on October 12, 2021, the soap opera engaged in a special crossover event involving multiple British soaps, addressing the critical topic of climate change in anticipation of the 2021 United Nations Climate Change Conference.
The initiative stemmed from the vision of Emmerdale's executive producer, Jane Hudson. Marking a significant milestone, the show celebrated its 50th anniversary in October 2022.
As viewers anticipate the unfolding drama in the show, Ella Forster's arrival marks a pivotal moment in the storyline. With Paula Lane's talent and the show's reputation for gripping narratives, Ella's character is poised to become a memorable addition to the tapestry of village life.
Viewers can watch the show on Prime Video and Apple TV. It is also available to stream on Britbox and Sky Go.