The seventh episode of Big Brother season 25 aired on CBS on August 17, 2023. This episode featured a lot of drama and some rivalry between the contestants. Seven episodes of the show have so far been released, and all of them have garnered positive reviews from fans. According to the CBS description for season 25, the show includes:
"Big Brother follows a group of people living together in a house outfitted with 94 HD cameras and 113 microphones, recording their every move 24 hours a day. Each week, someone will be voted out of the house, with the last remaining house guest receiving the grand prize of $750,000."
Episode 7 of the show, Big Brother season 25, began with contestants featuring America Lopez, Blue Kim, Bowie Jane, Cameron Hardin, Cory Wurtenberger, Felicia Cannon, Hisam Goueli, Izzy Gleicher, Jag Bains, Jared Fields, Kirsten Elwin, Matthew "Matt" Klotz, Mecole Hayes, Red Utley, Reilly Smedley, and Cirie Fields.
Based on the HOH competition results that led to Hisam becoming the winner, he nominated Reilly and Cameron as his two nominees. As part of Big Brother season 25 episode 7, one of the nominated contestants was sent home, and it was Reilly.
During the veto ceremony, Hisam, who won the veto contest, decided not to use the power and did not save any contestants. He also hinted at his intention to target Reilly.
Does Reilly go home on Big Brother 25, Episode 7?
In this episode of Big Brother season 25, Hisam was seen not only making it clear that he wants to eliminate Reilly but also convincing another houseguest to do the same. From winning the HOH to getting the veto contestant power, Hisam was doing everything he could to get Reilly off the show.
Reilly mentioned in the previous episode that she would be going after Hisam in the forthcoming show, but the dynamic of the game entirely changed after the result of the HOH competition. Taking a look at the description of episode 7, it mentions the following:
“Following a live vote, a houseguest is evicted and interviewed; remaining houseguests compete for power in the next head of household.”
Prior to voting, both nominated contestants presented their reasons why they deserved to stay. Everyone was shocked when the voting results were announced. The results are listed below.
- Red- Reilly
- Bowie- Reilly
- Jag- Reilly
- Cory- Reilly
- Matt- Reilly
- Blue- Reilly
- Cirie- Reilly
- Felicia- Reilly
- America- Reilly
- Mecole- Reilly
- Izzy- Reilly
- Jared- Reilly
Twelve Big Brother season 25 contestants voted Reilly out, and Cameron did not receive any votes against him. It resulted in the elimination of Reilly. The upcoming episode of the show is scheduled to premiere on August 20, 2023, and based on its description, it mentions the following:
“The head of household nominates two fellow houseguests for possible eviction.”
Currently, there are only fifteen contestants left in Big Brother season 25. In addition to competing for the show's trophy, the winning contestant will receive $750,000 in prize money. As the competition gets fiercer and fiercer every week, contestants are doing everything in their power to avoid elimination and win HOH and veto contest power.
As of now, two contestants have become the HOH: Hisam and Reilly.
Additionally, every Sunday, Wednesday, and Thursday, CBS broadcasts the show's latest episode.