Wеll-known actrеss Frances Sternhagen rеcеntly passеd away on Novеmbеr 27, 2023, at thе agе of 93. Shе was known for hеr appеarancеs in multiplе films and TV shows but was popular for playing thе rolе of Esthеr Clavin in sеvеn еpisodеs of thе NBC sitcom Chееrs.
According to Pеoplе magazinе, Stеrnhagеn's family also paid tributе to hеr in a statеmеnt which rеads:
"It is with grеat sadnеss that wе sharе thе nеws that our dеar mothеr, actrеss Frances Sternhagen, diеd pеacеfully of natural causеs in Nеw Rochеllе, NY, on Novеmbеr 27th, 2023, at thе agе of 93."
Thе statеmеnt rеvеalеd a cеlеbration of lifе is schеdulеd to bе hеld in January 2024, and hеr survivors includе hеr six childrеn, ninе grandchildrеn, and two grеat-grandchildrеn.
Frances Sternhagen gained recognition for her performance in Cheers
Frances Sternhagen portrayed various characters on screen over the years. However, she was mostly known for portraying Esther Clavin in the sitcom Cheers, aired on NBC. Although the character appeared in only seven episodes, it was loved by the public.
Esther was the mother of Cliff Clavin, and she used to cook bad food. She has also been lucky in love, and during her first appearance in the show, her son planned to marry her to a millionaire so that they could inherit a fortune. However, things do not work out after Esther convinces Duncan Fitzgerald to donate his fortune.
She once tried to prevent the family home from getting destroyed but stepped back after knowing the real value of the sale and started residing in Florida. She goes back to her son Cliff and tries to have control over his life.
Esther and Cliff get engaged in a fight in front of Sam Malone, and she is shifted to a retirement home when she fights with her other son. Her name is later mentioned on different occasions as the show continues, and Cliff says he has met her on the plane.
Cheers aired for 11 seasons with 275 episodes from September 30, 1982, to May 20, 1993. The series received a positive response,leading to a few spin-off shows, including The Tortellis, Wings, Frasier, and a 2011 Spanish version of Cheers.
Frances Sternhagen was featured in multiple films and TV shows
As per The New York Times, Frances Sternhagen finished her education at the Potomac School and the Madeira School. She joined the Vassar College and enrolled at the Milton Academy as a teacher.
Frances soon made her stage debut at 25 and appeared in multiple Broadway productions since the 50s. These appearances included The Skin of Our Teeth, A Doll's House, All Over, You Can't Take It with You, A Perfect Ganesh, Morning's at Seven, and more.
Frances Sternhagen made her television debut at the same time in an episode of the anthology series Studio One. She played the role of Toni Prentiss Davis in the CBS soap opera Love of Life and Bunny MacDougal in ten episodes of the famous romantic comedy-drama series Sex and the City.
She even appeared as Willie Ray Johnson in 15 episodes of the TNT series The Closer. She was featured in many other TV shows like Profiles in Courage, Hallmark Hall of Fame, Another World, The Andros Projects, The Man That Corrupted Hadleyburg, and more.
Frances Sternhagen also appeared in films like Independence Day, Communion, Doc Hollywood, The Rising Place, and Julie & Julia.