Recently, a documentary called Where is Wendy Williams, premiered on Lifetime. As the title suggests, it revolves around the current whereabouts of the former broadcaster, host, media personality, and writer Wendy Williams. The documentary has four parts - two of them were released on February 24, while the rest were released the next day.
According to USA Today, the documentary revealed that Wendy Williams was suffering from a cognitive disorder. However, her team’s press release on February 22 announced that she has primary progressive aphasia and frontotemporal dementia.
On the same day, a lawsuit was filed against Lifetime and A&E Television Networks to try and stop the premiere of the documentary. The legal complaint was made by Williams’ court-appointed temporary guardian Sabrina Morrissey.
However, the New York court where the suit was filed denied the motion on the ground that it put “restraint on speech that violates the First Amendment of the U.S. Constitution,” as mentioned in the court documents obtained by USA Today. As a result, Lifetime released the documentary over the weekend.
In the wake of this, focus has fallen on the identity of Wendy Williams’ guardian.
Everything you need to know about Wendy Williams' legal guardian Sabrina Morrissey
According to People, Wendy Williams’ temporary guardian is attorney Sabrina E. Morrissey, who is not only responsible for the welfare of the former host but also controls her assets.
As per the New York Women’s Bar Association (NYWBA) website, Sabrina Morrissey is an associate of Morrissey LLP and focuses on “trusts and estates law, guardianships, and small corporation matters.” Morrissey is also part of the Part 36 List as a Special Referee, Guardian, Guardian ad Litem, Court Evaluator, and Attorney for Alleged Incapacitated Persons.
Sabrina Morrissey earned her B.A. degree in Economics from the University of West Georgia followed by an M.A. from New York University. Her juris doctor degree (1994) was from Brooklyn Law School.
Apart from working with senior citizens alongside those with physical and psychological disorders, Sabrina Morrissey is also the President of the NYWBA and has earlier served as its Vice President, Treasurer, Recording Secretary, and Board of Directors.
Besides, she has also been the co-chair of the NYWBA Elder Law and Disabilities Committee and the co-chair and foundation treasurer of the WBASNY Elder Law and Trusts & Estates Committee.
She has also been serving as the General Counsel of Kelly Legal Staffing, a global staffing company, and is also the founding member of a couple of wellness firms. She is married to attorney Jim Morrissey and lives in Manhattan.
Exploring Wendy Williams’ guardianship under Sabrina Morrissey
In February 2022, Wendy Williams’ bank Wells Fargo raised concerns over her health, citing her as an “incapacitated” person, following which she was put under Morrissey’s guardianship in May 2022 by a New York court, as per Page Six.
However, the name of her temporary guardian was originally sealed in court documents, which were later leaked by The US Sun in December 2022. The news outlet also reported back then that since Williams was put under her guardianship, the alimony payments to her ex-husband Kevin Hunter were allegedly stopped.
Not only that, but their son Kevin Hunter Junior was also reportedly cut off from his mother’s fortune and allegedly had to struggle to keep up with his expenses. However, her manager Will Shelby, and publicist Shawn Zanotti were kept on the payroll as usual.
Since then, concerns have been raised by Williams’ family, including her sister Wanda Finnie about her deteriorating health condition. Claims have arisen that they are not allowed to visit Wendy in person and her recent dementia was related to her continued alcoholism, as per The Hollywood Reporter.
The news outlet also reported that as per her family, Sabrina Morrissey allegedly has full control over Wendy Williams' life, not just her finances, because of which she was first put under legal guardianship.
While it is presumed that the 59-year-old is currently in New York, the exact facility where she is staying remains undisclosed, as per People.