Beta is the right-hand man of Alpha, the leader of The Whisperers, and a survivor in the post-apocalyptic and zombie-ravaged United States. He first appeared in season nine of the series and is shown to be downright dangerous and remorseless, as he doesn’t shy away from killing other survivors who oppose Alpha and the Whisperers. Beta is sometimes more ruthless than Alpha, making him the most fearful antagonist in the series, as he is also a brilliant leader like Alpha.
Beta is also a brilliant tactician, and after Alpha’s death, he leads the Whisperers with great ease and almost kills the Survivors, and scores a win for the Whisperers.
What is Beta’s real identity in The Walking Dead?

In an episode of ‘Fear The Walking Dead,’ it is revealed that he was a country singer as he is seen on the cover of a record, and in the primary series, it is revealed that his stage name is ‘Half Moon.’ Beta was a country singer before the apocalypse. He was a successful artist and a brilliant musician. He even sold numerous records under the name ‘Half Moon.’ He lost his sanity after the apocalypse began, making his character absolutely remorseful.
Is Beta dead in The Walking Dead?
Yes, Beta died in the sixteenth episode of season ten, when Beta was leading the Whisperers and the horde against the survivors. However, tables were turned when the survivors retaliated with their brilliant tactics which led the horde away, forcing the whisperers to regroup due to this desperate situation.
Beta is trying to exert dominance over the horde, just the Negan intervenes as a diversion wearing a walker skin mask, making Beta lose his focus as he is bent on revenge against Negan for killing Alpha. Beta got the upper hand against Negan, as he was going to deliver the killing blow, Daryl came from behind, slightly sliced Beta with his knife, and stabbed Beta in the eyes with his two knives, and then left him to die while the walkers start devouring him. Beta laughed at his final moments as the walkers devoured him.
Who plays Beta in The Walking Dead?

Ryan Hurst, who is an American actor, played Beta in seasons nine and ten. He starred in the movie Remember the Titans alongside Denzel Washinton, Taken, and We Were Soldiers; he starred in TV series like Bates Motel, Son of Anarchy, Outsiders, and Bosch. He also starred in the video game God of War Ragnarok, playing the Norse god Thor. He is the son of actor Rick Hurst.
Q. Why does Beta hide his face?
A. Beta hides his face so that no one can recognize him as the country musician ‘Half Moon.’
Q. Who kills Beta?
A. Daryl, along with the help of Negan, killed Beta.
Q. Is Beta supposed to be famous in The Walking Dead?
A. Yes, Beta is a famous country musician called ‘Half Moon.’