Reek in "Game of Thrones" is the tortured and psychologically manipulated alter ego of Theon Greyjoy.
"Game of Thrones" is a fantasy drama television series that premiered on HBO in 2011, based on George R.R. Martin's "A Song of Ice and Fire" series. The show, which spans eight seasons and 73 episodes, follows the complex power struggles of noble families for the Iron Throne. The show is set against the backdrop of the continents of Westeros and Essos.
Out of 757 nominations, "Game of Thrones" has clinched a total of 272 prestigious awards and has since become HBO’s most watched television series.
Who is Theon Greyjoy?
Theon Greyjoy is the son and living heir of Balon Greyjoy, who is the Lord of the Iron Islands. The Iron Islands are one of the constituent regions of the Seven Kingdoms. It is an archipelago located on the western coast of Westeros. The islands are ruled by the Greyjoys, from their castle of Pyke.
Theon Greyjoy is portrayed by the actor Alfie Allen in the television adaptation. He was raised at Winterfell as a hostage and ward to Lord Eddard Stark following the Greyjoy Rebellion of the Iron Islands and was raised alongside the Stark children. He became close friends with Robb Stark, which later served as the basis for his moral dilemma of choosing loyalties between the Starks - his foster family, and his biological family - the Greyjoys.
How did Theon get the nickname “Reek”?

Theon Greyjoy received the nickname "Reek" after he was captured and tortured by Ramsay Bolton. Ramsay captured Theon after he attempted to seize Winterfell, where Ramsay tortured him both mentally and physically at the Dreadfort.
Ramsay frequently beats and physically assaults Theon, forcibly castrates him, pulls out his fingernails, flays his fingers, and also shoves a screw through his foot. Theon is also constantly humiliated, gaslighted, and manipulated by Ramsay, which forces Theon to reshape his identity and become a broken shell of the nobleman he was.
Ramsay’s final method to strip Theon of his dignity and respect was to rechristen him as "Reek.”
Who are the members of the Greyjoy family?
The members of House Greyjoy include:
Lord Balon Greyjoy, Lord of the Iron Islands
Queen Alannys Harlaw
Theon Greyjoy, his son
Yara (Asha) Greyjoy, his daughter
Maron Greyjoy, his deceased son
Rodrik Greyjoy, his deceased son
Euron III Greyjoy, his son
Victarion Greyjoy, his son
FAQs on Reek in Game of Thrones
A. The banner of Greyjoy’s features a black field with a golden kraken in the center.
A. The specific height of the character is not mentioned in the series, although the height of Alfie Allen, the actor portraying the character, is reported to be 1.75m.
A. Alfie Allen, who portrays the character Reek in the television series, appears in a total of 41 episodes.
A. Iwan Rheon plays the character of Ramsay Bolton.