On Monday, the “Irresistible” singer Jessica Simpson shared snaps of her youngest daughter Birdie Mae. She shared the pictures on her Instagram profile with the caption, “Monday Mood.”
The photos included several mugshots of Simpson’s two-year-old daughter, showcasing various moods. The post also received a comment from the singer’s brand marketing manager (and former personal assistant), CaCee Cobb. The comment read, “I can’t….😍😍😍,” referring to Birdie’s adorable pictures.
Jessica Simpson shares Birdie with her husband, Eric Johnson. The couple is also parents to nine-year-old Maxwell Drew and eight-year-old Ace Knute.
Who is Eric Johnson?
Eric Johnson is a retired NFL (National Football League) tight-end football player associated with NFL teams like the San Francisco 49ers and New Orleans Saints.
The 41-year old is from Massachusetts and attended Yale. The San Francisco 49ers picked him in 2001’s NFL draft, where he played for the team till 2006. However, in 2003 and 2005, Johnson had to miss entire seasons due to an injury.
In 2007, the tight end signed with the New Orleans Saints for a year and left the team in early 2008. Johnson’s NFL career includes 240 receptions and nine touchdowns.
All about Johnson and Jessica Simpson’s marriage
In 2002, Jessica Simpson married Netflix’s “Love is Blind” host, Nick Lachey, whom she divorced in 2006. According to TMZ and People Magazine, Jessica Simpson was in a relationship with Eric in 2010.
Jessica and Eric announced their engagement in November 2010 and officially got married on July 5, 2014.
The pair had their first child, Maxwell Drew Johnson, on May 1, 2012. A year later, Jessica Simpson gave birth to Ace Kunte on June 30, 2013. The couple had their youngest child, Birdie Mae, on March 19, 2019.
Simpson and Johnson recently celebrated their 14th anniversary. The “Dukes of Hazzard” star shared a picture on Instagram, with a caption showcasing her love towards her husband.
The caption read:
"Our connected hearts are praised and celebrated on this serendipitous day. I knew the night we met, the fate of you [Eric Johnson], locked the key to my searching heart and simply held my soul with love and honor.”
While her husband Johnson said,
“Jessica, I love you. 7 years into marriage and you still make me laugh just as hard as day one. I had fun yesterday celebrating us.”