Southern Hospitality is an upcoming Bravo show, which is a spin-off to Southern Charm. The new reality TV series centers around Leva Bonaparte and the employees of her restaurant, Republic Garden & Lounge.
One of the staff members is Joe Bradley, the nightclub’s VIP host. His job is to bring in VIP guests and to ensure that they have a great time in the Republic. While he is currently trying to make a name for himself in the hospitality industry in Charleston (South Carolina), Joe is originally from Atlanta, Georgia.
According to his LinkedIn profile, he went to the University of Michigan from 2014 to 2018, and pursued art and design alongside communications. However, his official bio on Bravo’s website stated that he dropped out of college and began working some entry-level jobs.
Joe Bradley is also into the furniture and textile industry
Joe Bradley is set to feature on Southern Hospitality as one of Leva Bonaparte’s employees. He serves as the VIP host in the Southern Charm star’s restaurant/nightclub, Republic Garden & Lounge.
Joe has not mentioned his hospitality experience on his LinkedIn page. According to that profile, he has been working full-time for the luxury furniture and textile company, BRADLEY.
He started his job as a sales executive at the firm in September 2019. Prior to that, he worked at RAM Partners LLC as a sales and leasing agent, and at LA Fitness as a sales counselor.
However, his official bio posted on Bravo’s website tells a different story. It mentions that he was a college dropout who now has the desire to become a restaurant owner like his boss, Leva.
Joe’s bio reads:
“Hailing from a successful family in Atlanta, Joe Bradley has always felt that he has a lot to live up to. After dropping out of college and trying his hand at a string of entry-level jobs, he finally found his calling as VIP Host at Republic. Joe wants to follow in Leva’s footsteps as a restaurant and nightlife impresario. Though he tries to prove that he’s management material, his co-workers remind him that he isn’t the big boss.”
On Southern Hospitality, Joe will be seen locking horns with nine other co-stars. In a preview, Mikel Simmons was seen throwing a drink in his face, while Maddi Reese asked Joe to “be a man.” Joe confessed to Maddi in one of the trailers that he had feelings for her.
Maddi, on the other hand, was in a relationship with someone else, who was also featured in the preview. He warned Joe to keep his distance from Maddi, otherwise, they’re going to have an “actual problem.”
More about Southern Hospitality
Bravo is all set to launch a spin-off to Southern Charm, called Southern Hospitality, where the leading star is Leva Bonaparte. It will be her show, where viewers will be invited to be a part of her professional and personal life.
She and her husband, Lamar Bonaparte, run several restaurants in Charleston. Republic Garden & Lounge will be the focus of Southern Hospitality as it will revolve around the nightclub’s employees.
The official synopsis of Southern Hospitality season 1 reads:
“The series follows Southern Charm resident boss-lady Leva Bonaparte as she manages Charleston’s very own “it” crowd, otherwise known as her larger-than-life staff at Republic Garden & Lounge. Leva and husband Lamar own four restaurants along the city’s famous King Street, but Republic is the crown jewel of their kingdom.”
The cast members of the Bravo show include Leva, Joe Bradley, Mikel Simmons, Grace Lilly, Mia Alario, Will Kulp, Emmy Sharrett, TJ Dinch, Lucía Peña, Maddi Reese, and Bradley Carter.
Southern Hospitality season 1 will premiere on Monday, November 28, 2022, at 9.00 PM ET.