The four-time Emmy-winning musical competition series The Voice has returned to NBC, with a star studded panel of judges. In Season 21, Kelly Clarkson, Blake Shelton and John Legend are joined by mega pop sensation Ariana Grande as the fourth judge.
Joshua Vacanti's wide range of vocals earned him a spot on Team Legend. Vacanti's rendition of Into the Unknown from Frozen 2, had all the judges fighting over him. John Legend cleverly blocked Grande before she could select Joshua to be a member of her team!
Who is Joshua Vacanti on 'The Voice'?
Joshua, hails from the town of Lockport, New York and is 28 years old. Music and singing have always been part of Joshua's identity. Unfortunately, at the tender age of eight, Vacanti developed severe and chronic asthma, which hospitalized him very often.
The Voice contestant was prescribed heavy steroids to fight his condition which led him to rapidly gain weight and become 300 pounds at his heaviest.
Joshua has been subject to constant bullying for his large size and high pitched voice. He found a community for himself in the choir.
Vacanti went on to study music in college and presently gigs with his better half and his family worship band alongside his parents.
Along with this, he also works as a prevention educator where kids learn about drug prevention. Joshua helps them set goals and work towards accomplishing them.
Vacanti participated in The Voice to practice what he preaches - chase your dreams.
All about 'The Voice'
Season 21 had coaches Clarkson, Legend, Shelton and Grande sit through intense auditions for three weeks. Each judge gets to select their team of 12 singers out of the contestants who audition. The NBC show now has its viewers ready for some epic song battles in the next phase of the show.
Hosted by Carson Daly, the reality show will air twice a week this season. This time, The Voice, brings back its live audience, who have not been included in the show since the beginning of the COVID-19 outbreak. Fully vaccinated fans are now allowed to be a part of the show.