Reality TV star Julia Trubkina Gibbs recently added her name to the list of 90 Day Fiancé stars who opened up about the ongoing Russia-Ukraine conflict. She posted a photo on Instagram featuring her and her husband, Brandon Gibbs holding Russian and American flags.
She captioned the post saying:
"I wish all countries to be friends. it's so bad that relations between Russia and America are not very good. I hope my family will be able to visit soon America and Brandon's family will be able to visit Russia.”
In an interview with Dr. Drew Pinsky, Gibbs further talked about Russia’s conflict with Ukraine and its relationship with America.
Five things Julia Trubkina Gibbs said in the interview
Julia Trubkina Gibbs is a Russian currently settled in America with her husband. With no training in English, the reality TV star came a long way as she gave an hour-long interview in English. Apart from speaking about her accent and 90 Day Fiancé moments, Gibbs also talked about the Ukraine crisis.
1) Initially, Gibbs clarified that her mother is from Ukraine and father belongs from Russia. Thus, she comes from both regions.
She told Dr. Drew:
“It's so hard to tell who are you because I have mother from Ukraine and father from Russia and it's all time my friends say I'm have both country I'm not Russian I'm not Ukraine I'm both.”
2) Addressing the Russia-Ukraine conflict, Gibbs stated that she isn’t sure whether to trust the news reports. She further said that her parents, too, asked her what news she had heard and they shared reports with each other to try to understand the truth.
“My parents [are] so scared about this and all the time [they] ask me what kind [of] news you guys have and i ask what kind of news you guys have because we have little different news everywhere.”
Gibbs further informed that her father’s distant relatives are in Ukraine and he is worried for their safety.
3) When asked about her perspective as a Russian regarding the Russia-Ukraine conflict, Gibbs said that it’s not just Russians, but everyone is feeling sorry for Ukraine. She continued by saying that no-one wants a war.
4) Gibbs continued saying that the Russians have no say in the matter, it is the government’s decision. Commoners are not given any choice or have been asked their opinions.
Her exact words were:
"I feel Russian feels sorry because it's not decision [of] people. People not speak, people just need to do what governments say and I feel all Russian people feel sorry about this situation and don't want people thinking about this is Russian people decision."
5) The 90 Day Fiancé star further expressed concern about her family being stuck in Russia and unable to come to America because the airlines are closed. She said:
“This is so sad because i want…we have nice relationship between this country [between America and Russia] and we don't have any problem to just visit each other to just…my father and mother-in-law come to visit my parents in Russia and I'm dreaming we have relationship like this between this country.”
All about '90 Day Fiancé' star Julia Trubkina Gibbs
Julia Trubkina Gibbs is a Russian native who participated in TLC's 90 Day Fiancé Season 8. Her now husband Brandon Gibbs proposed to her in the eighth season and she moved to Virginia to live with him.
After facing several obstacles like Brandon’s mother’s disapproval and global pandemic, the couple tied the knot in April 2020. Julia Trubkina Gibbs recently celebrated her two years in America.
She has also appeared in Happily Ever After Season 6, Pillow Talk and 90 Day Bares All Season 1 and 2. Going by her Instagram, the reality TV star is a travel enthusiast who has visited multiple places like Serbia, Turkey, Paris, Jamaica, Thailand, and Laos.
Apart from Gibbs, many 90 Day Fiancé stars came forward to speak in support of Ukraine. Some of the stars are Yara Zaya, Alla Fedoruk, Natalie Mordovtseva, Lana, Varya Malina, Alina Kozhevnikova, Alina Johnston, Aleksandra Strobel and Elijah.