What If...? season 2 just introduced the Marvel Cinematic Universe, a new superhero named Kahhori, voiced by Devery Jacobs. The episode titled "What if... Kahhori Reshaped the World?" follows a girl of Native American heritage who gets in contact with the Tesseract and gets powers from beyond this world that help her free her people from conquerors.
While the entire concept of the show is to present new scenarios, What If...? season 2 actually stepped it up a bit and decided to create a new character that the existing Marvel Universe didn't burden. Kahhori's origins are quite interesting, and her story is inspiring as well.
Kahhori receives her power from the Tesseract in What If...? season 2
The Tesseract is one of the most powerful items to exist within the Marvel Cinematic Universe. If the Space Stone gets into the wrong hands, it could cause a lot of chaos. Thus, Odin entrusts the Tesseract to a small village on Earth that no one could find.
However, in the universe of What If...? season 2, Surtr brings his flames a bit early to Asgard, causing Ragnarok to happen. The Tesseract does end up surviving the event and crash lands in the Haudenosaunee Confedaracy on Earth.
The bulk of the episode takes place before America is colonized, and with the Tesseract falling into a lake, its energy is released into it. Unfortunately, those who would go into the lake would never return; thus, it would be given the title of "Forbidden Lake."
In the late 15th century, we are introduced to Kahhori and her brother Wahta. When trying to escape from Spanish colonizers, Kahhori, in an effort to save her brother, gets shot in the arm and falls into the Forbidden Lake.
Coming in contact with the Tesseract, she is transported to the Sky World, where she finds the rest of her villagers who have disappeared throughout the years. However, they couldn't get back as the portal that brought them into the world was situated in the sky, and no one could reach it.
She quickly learns that the Sky World provides her people with powers and immortality, and she decides to use them to help her people. However, as she is too weak, she is unable to do so. Kahhori decides to train herself with her new-found powers and masters them fairly quickly.
When the Spanish colonizers find the lake, they are transported to the Sky World as well. Kahhori then fights them and inspires the other members there to come back and help her.
They travel back to their village through the sky portal that Kahhori brings down with her powers, and they are able to defeat the Spanish colonizers and liberate their people.
The episode ended with Kahhori and her people forcing the Queen of Spain to leave them alone. This leads to another portal opening behind them, and Doctor Strange Supreme walks through it and says that he has been looking for Kahhori.
The ending definitely hints at the fact that Kahhori has a bigger role to play in the upcoming finale of What If...? season 2, and this isn't the last we have seen of her. Whatever it may be, it's great to see Marvel diversifying their roster of heroes, and Kahhori definitely makes for a good addition.