ABC's thrilling police drama The Rookie has kept viewers on the edge of their seats for the longest time with its intriguing case files and interesting character developments. However, one of the twists in the story revolves around the mysterious death of Morris (Rome Flynn), who is believed to be murdered by Aaron Thorsen's friend Rowan Clausen (Luke Cosgrove).
The Rookie has been created by Alexi Hawley and has been renewed for a sixth season in April 2023. Featuring Nathan Fillion as John Nolan, the oldest rookie on the team, the show takes on the real-life happenings of Bill Norcross and Jon Steinberg - both of whom serve as executive producers on the show.
The events that preceded before the discovery of the real culprit behind the murder of Morris Mackey in The Rookie
Aaron Thorsen, a recurring character in the fourth season and a main member of the cast in the fifth season, is the newest rookie in the Los Angeles Police Department. Being the only son of Yvonne Thorsen, another guest character on The Rookie, and the rapper Lincoln Thorsen, he comes from a wealthy background and with a troubled past.
It is said that Thorsen had to pull a couple of strings to get into the Academy after he was acquitted as the prime suspect in Patrick Hayes' murder in Paris. He fares well with good scores and simultaneously is placed under Nyla Harper (Mekia Cox) as the second probationary trainee. Meanwhile, Thorsen's mother persuades him to make an appearance on the reality show to clear his name.
The murder of the producer of the reality show, Morris Mackey, sets the ball rolling yet again, and Thorsen is thrown into the limelight as the circumstances match Patrick's death. Bradford, Nolan, Evers, and Lopez, who reunited with the accused in the Thorsen house, become primary suspects. However, further investigation determines the killer to be Rowan Clausen.
Aaron's friend Clausen (Luke Cosgrove) hailed from a rather financially backward family from Iowa and was often spotted partying in various countries with Aaron in his private jets. Moreover, Aaron used to be a TikTok celebrity before all began.
In The Rookie episode named Real Crime, Rowan was previously interviewed on the family show wherein he vouched for his friend and repeated the same during his interrogation during Morris' murder. However, it was Det. Lopez figured out the patterns in his behavior - lugging around his belongings, carrying drugs, and an unusual sum of money in his bank account.
It is revealed that Clausen kills Patrick as he finds out about him smuggling drugs on Aaron's jet. Later, he also gets rid of Morris since he figures out the role Clausen plays in Patrick Hayes' murder.
Before his arrest, Clausen meets Keith on a golf course and puts the suspicion on Aaron for the first time, calling him a psycho behind his back. Nevertheless, their game is interrupted by officers Bradford and Chen, who, along with other officers, chase Clausen as he flees in a golf cart and arrest him.
The sixth season of ABC's The Rookie is expected to be released sometime in January 2024.