TikTok influencer Krista London recently came under fire from fans after she shared a video jokingly criticizing her friend for her lack of social media skills. The drama took place on January 18, 2023.
Kritsa is a social media personality known for her videos, where she converses with her followers on various everyday topics, including ADHD. Her TikTok account, @thekirstalondon, has over 500k followers with over 9 million views.
The influencer works in the digital marketing sector and helps businesses and others build their socials. She also boasts an Amazon Store Front where her followers can buy products or items similar to hers. Additionally, she runs a Food Bank donation.
Krista London bursts into tears, apologies to her friend after the backlash
The drama began when Krista London shared a video of her speaking of an incident involving a friend who needed assistance understanding social media. In what the influencer hoped would be a funny statement, Krista explained that although her friend is a "very talented photographer," her social media skills were comparable to that of a grandma.
Initially, the video was loved by many who could relate to the scenario, but it soon received backlash, and the influencer took down the video. However, the clip was circulated on social media.
Shortly after, the photographer's husband came to her defense, criticizing Krista for making fun of his wife. He took to social media to express his grievances and stated:
"If you have a TikTok account, send that flake [Krista] a message and let her know this isn't right."
Krista quickly uploaded an apology video where she regretted criticizing her friend's social media skills. She added that she intended the video to be a funny joke and that she did not mean to hurt anyone. She mentioned:
"I royally f**ked up and I didn’t even know... I clearly messed up this morning. I clearly messed up this morning and I didn’t even know, but no I’m being blasted on social media. I 100% deserve it too."
She tearfully explained how she spent the whole day with her friend laughing. She taught the photographer how "to do social media." However, she added that she thought the video was funny but came off as making fun of and shaming her friend.
Krista London added,
"She didn't tell me she was offended. From the depths of my soul, I would never go out of my way to make someone feel embarrassed or hurt."
The digital marketer's followers quickly commented in support of her, stating that they did not think she was offensive. The clip was deleted as well.
Krista London updates her apology
On the morning of January 19, 2023, Krista London shared an updated apology once "she understood how she hurt her friend." The influencer apologized for causing her friend embarrassment and offending her. She reiterated that she did not have a clue that "it was not OK to post."
London also pointed out that the original video being continuously circulated was partly to blame for the drama, despite being taken down by her. She concluded the video by urging everyone to stop picking at her photographer friend and her husband, who have a right to be upset.