Home and Away, the cherished Australian soap opera is known for its ever-evolving storyline. As it enters its 35th year on air, viewers are going to be saying goodbye to some beloved characters in 2023. This article takes a closer look at the actors who have bid adieu to the soap or will be exiting the sunny shores of Summer Bay, leaving fans curious about the future.
Here, we provide an insight into the roles these actors portrayed and shed some light on their contributions so far to the iconic show that is also often abbreviated as HAA. So keep reading to find out more details about your favorite actors who left Home and Away in 2023.
Actors who left Home and Away in 2023: What roles did they play?
Dean (Patrick O'Connor) and Ziggy (Sophie Dillman)
Portrayed by Patrick O'Connor and Sophie Dillman, the characters of Dean and Ziggy have been a beloved couple on HAA. Their heartwarming journey reached its conclusion in 2023 as they were seen preparing to leave Summer Bay with their newborn child, marking the end of an era for these fan-favorite characters. What's more, is that this duo is also married to each other in real life!
Andrew (Joshua Hewson)
Joshua Hewson, who played the role of Andrew, confirmed his departure from the show in 2023. His time on Home and Away was marked by a significant character journey, and he expressed his gratitude for the invaluable acting experience gained during his tenure.
Mercedes (Amali Golden) and Tegan (Sophia Forrest)
Amali Golden and Sophia Forrest have breathed life into the characters of Mercedes and Tegan, contributing to the layered and complex relationships in Home and Away. As they now prepare to leave Summer Bay together in 2023, their characters continue to resonate with the viewers, leaving quite a lasting impact.
Gabe Miller (Akos Armont)
Akos Armont's portrayal of Gabe Miller added depth and emotion to Home and Away. Tragically enough, the character's battle with cancer was a turning point in the plot of HAA. But Gabe's brief yet impactful presence was a prominent and emotional storyline during his time on the show.
Margot Dafoe (Mandy McElhinney)
Mandy McElhinney's portrayal of Margot Dafoe introduced a captivating storyline to Home and Away. Margot's dramatic arc was highly popular which even involved her kidnapping of Andrew, and was a memorable part of the show before her eventual arrest and and exit in 2023.
Final thoughts
Home and Away continues to captivate audiences with its compelling storylines and characters. As we bid farewell to these actors and their iconic roles in 2023, we can't help but wonder about the new stories that await us. The show's tradition of bringing characters back keeps the door open for future surprises. Here is what former cast member Sophie Dillman, who played Ziggy on the show, said to TV Week:
"We have both done everything possible with our characters and it was time to start a new chapter. It’s bittersweet and emotional, but we realize how lucky we are to have had such an incredible run.’‘
Whether these characters leave the show forever or return, the legacy of HAA will endure. Each farewell however becomes a poignant moment for fans. As the sun sets in Summer Bay, the anticipation and nail-biting for what's next keep us engaged in this enduring Australian soap opera.