Leon Brown is the child of Kody and Meri Brown, from the show Sister Wives, a one-of-a-kind show that follows Kody Brown living amicably with his four partners, among which is Robyn, his wife, and ex-wives Meri, Janelle, and Christine.
Leon is an only child to their parents and has 17 half-siblings. They have been very active on their Instagram since they came out as genderqueer and have expressed a newfound love for life. They also look pleased in their new relationship with Audrey Kriss, with whom they tied the knot last year.
Leon is currently a project manager for Promise South Salt Lake in Utah and is making the most out of their life.
More on Leon Brown's career, age, and life updates
Leon came out to the world as transgender in one of their Instagram posts in March of 2023. They were seen embracing their identity with open arms in a post where they said,
"I’m finally ready to share my favorite self with the world. and that self is incredibly genderqueer, trans, and unapologetic. Being queer & trans are definitely some of my favorite parts of myself."
From their posts following the revelation of their identity to the world, it seems they have finally found the freedom they sought for so long. They are seen shining with the bright sun, swinging with the flowers, and grinning chin to chin with their partner, Audrey Kriss.
Leon Brown was born on July 29, 1994, making them 29 years old. They are the only child of their parents, Meri and Kody Brown, and come from a household accepting of alternate ways of living. Kody Brown said he agreed to participate in the show to make the world accept polygamy better.
Leon Brown works as a program manager for a company that helps students with educational hindrances and tutors them for a better academic representation. Their company, Promise South Salt Lake, is located in Utah, where Leon is believed to be living.
Leon Brown and Audrey Kiss got engaged in 2019 at a women's march in Washington, DC. They married on October 29, 2022, at a courthouse in Colorado, according to InTouch, who claims to have a copy of their marriage certificate.
Leon Brown's appearance on Sister Wives
Leon Brown is famous for quarreling with their half-brother, Paedon Brown. They called out Paedon when he was negating their support for Black Lives Matter by singing about Blue Lives Matter, a countermovement justifying police officers' actions.
Although Leon's tiff with their half-brother doesn't declare their temperament because, in their Instagram posts, they come off as a socially sensitive person who promotes peace and acceptance.
More about Sister Wives: The reality show centered around polygamy
Sister Wives is the only reality show that openly promotes polygamy, as it follows the lives of Kody Brown and his four partners and their 18 children. It shows the world the possibility of having a happy polygamous household.
Sister Wives' unusual nature made it so famous that it has been running since 2010, reaching season 18, which came out in 2023. Even though Sister Wives season 19 hasn't been officially announced, it is much anticipated by its fans and is expected to arrive in 2024.
All the seasons of Sister Wives can be streamed on Amazon Prime Video, TLC, and Discovery+.