On Saturday, September 30, a spokesperson for Hugh Bonneville confirmed to The Sun that the actor and his wife, Lulu Evans, had split. Lulu and the Downton Abbey star met when they were only teenagers and had been married for 25 years. Lulu Evans, previously known as Lulu Williams, is 55 years of age and shares a 20-year-old son with 59-year-old Hugh.
A source told The Sun that a lot of people were left disappointed by their split, as they viewed the duo as a very social couple. It was revealed to the outlet that Hugh had been away on filming duties for most of the year and had even lost a bit of weight. A source told the outlet:
"It is clear that Lulu feels as if 20-odd years of marriage counts for nothing."
Lulu Evans and Hugh Bonneville met when they were teenagers
Back in April, Lulu Evans and Hugh Richard Bonniwell Williams, popularly known as Hugh Bonneville, attended a gala together at the Old Vic Theater in London. However, come September, Hugh was spotted at Downton Abbey co-star Michelle Dockery's wedding, alone, without his wife, and without his wedding ring.
On the last day of September, a spokesperson for Hugh Bonneville confirmed to The Sun that Hugh Bonneville and his wife of 25 years, Lulu Evans, had called it quits on their marriage. The couple share one 20-year-old son together, named Felix. The spokesperson told the outlet:
"I can confirm that Hugh Bonneville and Lulu Williams have separated."
Lulu Evans was thrust into the limelight for being the wife of beloved Downton Abbey and Notting Hill star Hugh Bonneville. She was constantly seen with her husband at various public events and often visited him on the sets of projects he was working on. The couple met when they were only teenagers growing up in West Sussex.
According to reports by The Sun, Lulu Evans has previously stated that she does not let her husband's fame or fans bother her, as they had a connection that stretched back a long time. Although there are inaccurate reports stating that Lulu was an artist, Hugh has previously told The Radio Times:
"There were about five minutes when she was doing something very creative – she is a very creative person – and I said, 'At the moment, she's an artist' and that has stuck despite me saying in every single subsequent interview that 'No, she's not an artist – she's now a full-time mum."
Although the couple's initial connection as teenagers petered off, Hugh credited his mother, Patricia, with reconnecting him with Lulu. According to The Sun, when the couple was in their 30s and Lulu was running a marquee company, Hugh's mother called her up to hire "chairs or something", which sparked their connection. The couple got married in 1998.
The Sun also stated that Hugh has said in the past that he was "completely indebted" to Lulu for being a "bedrock" to him and his son. The couple renewed their vows five years ago at Graceland Chapel in Las Vegas for their 20th wedding anniversary. Lulu Evans even had a nickname for her husband, "Luvvie".