Actress and singer, Madisyn Shipman recently joined the Playboy Creator platform. Madisyn herself revealed the information while speaking to Fox News and said that one of her friends from Nickelodeon informed her about the platform. The actress added that she had never planned to "join a paid creator platform."
She noted that it was the biggest thing as that wasn't how her goals aligned. Madisyn said that she made this clear to Playboy who told her that she didn't have to do that.
"That's the great thing about Playboy. If you want to show everything, you're more than welcome to, but you don't have to," the actress said.
The former Nickelodeon star will be paid for showing off her bikini looks on Playboy's platform. She added that her fans love seeing her in the look and that with the payments, she can "fully self-fund" her music career. Madisyn Shipman said that she is "fully taken care of" along with having her own house and a lot of "financial freedom."
"It truly wouldn't be in this position if it wasn't for Playboy," Shipman told Fox News.
Shipman has appeared in many TV shows like Saturday Night Live alongside some films. She is also known for her roles in a few Nickelodeon shows.
Madisyn Shipman is known for her appearance in Game Shakers
Madisyn Shipman has appeared in numerous TV shows since 2009. However, she gained recognition for her appearance as Kenzie Bell in the Nickelodeon comedy series, Game Shakers.
Kenzie is one of the lead characters who knows a lot about technology. She is always ready to help her friends and she is loved by everyone for the same.
Kenzie is known for her close friendship with Babe Carano and the two collaborate for fun games. Additionally, her knowledge helps to change their dreams into reality. She is spotted doing squats when she becomes nervous. While the character may be rude occasionally, she is responsible towards those who are close to her.
Kenzie Bell lacks a sense of humor, wears glasses, and is mostly seen in a jacket, romper, long socks, and boots.
Game Shakers premiered on September 12, 2015. Following a positive response, the series continued for two more seasons until June 8, 2019. Apart from Shipman, the series also featured Cree Cicchino in an important role.
Madisyn Shipman has already attended a photo shoot for Playboy
Madisyn Shipman recently attended a photo shoot for Playboy in the Bahamas. She told Fox News that she met a lot of people during the shoot.
"I have always felt a sense of repression in terms of my s*xuality and showing my body. And I think a lot of that is because I grew up on a Nickelodeon show," the actress noted.
Shipman said that she likes to pose in a bikini and added that she loves her body now. She noted that she is satisfied with the love and support she is getting for the same.
Madisyn Shipman has appeared in films like Modern Love and Ordinary World. She has also appeared in other shows like Call Me Kat, Henry Danger, Red Ruby, Celebrity Ghost Stories, and Sesame Street, according to her IMDb profile.